WASHINGTON – A woman was killed on Tuesday night after being stabbed while she was running near her home in the District of Columbia.

35-year-old Wendy Karina Martinez from Washington was jogging in the Logan Circle area of ​​Washington, in the north-east of the country, just before 8 pm On Tuesday, she was stabbed in what the police said was "more than likely" a random attack.

Martinez went to a nearby Chinese restaurant after the attack.

A video surveillance of the restaurant shows the woman entering the restaurant covered in blood. She seems to be talking to customers inside before she collapses.

Police chief Peter Newsham said that a nurse who was nearby was trying to save lives before the arrival of the emergency teams.

Martinez was taken to a hospital where she was pronounced dead.

Martinez's mother, Cora Martinez, told the Washington Post that her daughter had just committed last Wednesday.

The police are looking for an assailant who fled the area.

Newsham said that it seemed like it was an isolated attack in an otherwise safe area.

"It's one of the troubling types of incidents that sometimes occur in big cities, but that seems like a singular incident," said Chief Newsham.

Martinez was a passionate runner known for running several kilometers across the city. She lived near the place where the stabbing took place, said Newsham.

"The best thing we can do right now is to identify the person in charge," Newsham said.

The reason for the stabbing has not been determined. Newsham says it's probably a random attack, but said it was too early in the investigation to say for sure.

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