John Henry of Dwayne Johnson and the statesmen already have somehow already a trailer


Does Dwayne Johnson have access to time travel technology? Given the senseless workload of the man, it sometimes seems that this may be the only explanation. In one way or another, the guy does three movies a year, plus a series of HBOs, and now we learn that he has a new contract with Netflix that will see him play and produceJohn Henry and the statesmen – a new movie that already has a trailer.

John Henry and the statesmen, directed by Jake Kasdan (Jumanji: Welcome to the jungle) and described as a "family adventure", is seen as a potential new franchise launcher for Dwayne Johnson. According to a Netlflix press release, the legendary John Henry will be the central hero, but the incumbent state men will form a collection of "the most popular folklore personalities and legends around the world".

The legend of John Henry dates back to the late 19th century and is a classic human story against the machine. He was a steel driver and worked in a railway tunnel. His strength and power were put to the test when he was confronted with a steam rig. The story tells that Henry was able to beat the machine, but he suffered a heart attack due to stress and stress and died.

Yes John Henry and the statesmen a long future, this last element will probably not be part of the film.

Dwayne Johnson had never made a film for Netflix before, but given the current evolution of the industry, it seems like it was inevitable. Many of the biggest stars and filmmakers are making plans for the streaming giant. If Johnson's success in movie theaters is unquestionable, that does not mean that he can not split his time between Netflix and the big screen.

Tom Wheeler, who wrote previously The movie LEGO Ninjago, wrote the script for John Henry and the statesmen based on a height of origin, but very little beyond the basic configuration is known at this stage. We are particularly interested in the different characters that will join John Henry in his adventures, not to mention the enemy that they will face. Hopefully more details will come when the project starts building its cast.

Exactly when John Henry and the statesmen going into production is not clear, largely because of the schedules of the key people involved. Dwayne Johnson is not only a crazy and busy individual (he is currently shooting Hobbs and Shaw in London), but is already preparing for a new collaboration with Jake Kasdan, as the next Jumanji The sequel will be in theaters in December 2019.

This new movie may not be released until 2020, but by then, stay tuned for the latest updates on CinemaBlend.

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