John Hickenlooper "leans heavily" towards a presidential race in 2020


gov. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., Said on Wednesday that he "leaned hard" to run for president in 2020.

This comment followed what his Political Action Committee pointed out as a joke declaring his candidacy.

At the Root Cafe in Hooksett, N.H., where the governor is campaigning for the secret ballot Democrats, Hickenlooper said, "I am the governor of Colorado and I will run for president." WMUR, a local New Hampshire television channel, Adam Sexton, also reported that Mr. Hickenlooper had told a different person at the campaign's end: "I'm John Hickenlooper and I'm running for president. You're the first person in New Hampshire, I said that to you. "

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Shortly after making this statement, however, Hickenlooper made it clear that he had not "made a final decision".

"If I say I do it absolutely, then there are all kinds of legal ramifications," said the governor, "so I'll say I'm leaning heavily."

Hickenlooper said in June, "What is health?" that he would make the decision regarding a candidacy for the presidential election of 2020 during the summer.

"My wife and I have been talking about it for two months and talking to old friends we respect and trust. We will try to sort this summer. "

Hickenlooper is limited in time as Colorado's governor. He will resign from his post after 2018. In an interview with Colorado Public Radio in September, Hickenlooper said he would not make any announcements until two or three months after the end of his term.

The governor also set up a political action committee called Giddy Up in September, which made it possible to speculate on his possible candidacy for the presidency.

Regarding the Governor's statements in New Hampshire, the PAC responded: "The governor clearly explains in the video that he is joking and in his next sentence, he has not yet made a decision. If he did, his wife would have been the first to know it.He is in New Hampshire to support the 2018 candidates in the ballot. "

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