John Kelly Called Elizabeth Warren An "Impolite Arrogant Woman" In An Email


WASHINGTON – White House chief of staff John Kelly called Sen. Elizabeth Warren an "impolite arrogant woman" in a private email he exchanged last year with his top help following a conversation with the Massachusetts Democrat about the Trump administration.

Absolutely most insulting conversation, "Kelly, then serving as the secretary of homeland security, wrote to Kevin Carroll, who was then his senior counselor at the Department of Homeland Security, in an email from Feb. 8, 2017. "What an impolite arrogant woman. She immediately began insulting our people, accusing them of not following the short order, insulting and abusive behavior towards the subject of the break, blah blah blah. "

The court order Kelly had referred to a temporary restraining order in Massachusetts and New York on Jan. 28 and 29, 2017, which blocked the implementation of President Donald Trump's executive order of the majority of people in the US ACLU lawsuit.

Kelly's email, along with thousands of others, has been obtained by BuzzFeed News from the Department of Homeland Security in response to a Freedom of Information Act.

Warren called Trump 's Trump' s Response to a Logan International Airport in Boston, where a number of people were detained. A congressional source familiar with Warren's phone call to Kelly told BuzzFeed News that the senator's staff first tried to obtain information from the Homeland Security Department on Jan. 29, 2017 about her constituents who were stuck abroad and banned from boarding airplanes to fly into Logan. But the staffers were unsuccessful. Warren then reached out to Kelly, who did not respond to her for a week. When Kelly finally called Warren, who Kelly denied. Warren described her staff's emails with Kelly and their conversation then became heated.

A spokesman for Warren declined to comment on Kelly's characterizations of the senator. The White House did not return calls or emails left for Kelly.

Carroll responds to his boss' s criticisms of Warren in an email the same day.

"Too bad Senate McConnell Majority Leader Could not order her to be quiet again! Warren is running for president so early, trying too hard, and chasing bad pitches, "Carroll wrote.

During a lengthy, impassioned speech on the Senate floor on Feb. 7, 2017, a day before Kelly emailed Carroll about his call with Warren, the senator spoke out against Jeff Sessions, whom Trump had nominated as attorney general. Warren was set to read a scathing 1986 letter written by Coretta Scott who had struck Sessions 'appointment to a federal judgeship over claims he' used the power of his office.

But McConnell intervened and silenced Warren. He invoked the rarely used Rule XIX, which says, "No Senator in debate shall, directly or indirectly, by any form of words imputing to another Senator or to other Senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a Senator." had broken the rules and on the floor that "she was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted. "

McConnell's is a hallmark of Warren's speeches and campaign merchandise.

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