John Krasinski almost stopped acting before landing 'The Office & # 39;


John Krasinski's career has continued to grow since his turn as Jim Halpert in The Office. The native of Newton enjoyed success earlier this year as director, co-writer and star of "A Quiet Place". has entered the iconic role of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan in a new big-budget Amazon series.

However, Krasinski revealed during the episode of "The Late Show" on Tuesday that he almost stopped playing for the better before moving to Massachusetts before being chosen for the first time in "The Office".

Krasinski told the host Stephen Colbert that he had first gone to Brown University in order to become a teacher and that he had finally studied the theater. He said that his parents were supporting his career change, but that his mother had made him promise that he had not "nibbled or bitten" an actor in three years, he had to make the decision to 39, abandon his aspirations as an actor. himself because, she told him, "as your mother, you can not ask me to tell you to give up your dreams".

As the deadline approached, Krasinski was ready to give up.

"Cut to two and a half years later. I thought, so I went out. It's terrible. It's so scary. It's the worst, "Krasinski told Colbert. "Waiting Tables: Not as Fun as They Say"

But Krasinki said his mother had told him to wait at least the end of the year before moving. In the end, Mom knew better in this case.

"I told him to come get me [in New York]"Krasinski said. "And three weeks later, I had" The Office "."

"So, you know, I give him a lot of love and 10%," Krasinski continued jokingly. "She deserves it."

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