John Krasinski did not go, originally, to make a quiet place 2


Given A silent placeBox office performance, a sequel was inevitable. What was in doubt though, was whether or not author-director John Krasinski was coming back. Although we now know that he will come back to write more, John Krasinski would not do A quiet place 2, preferring to leave the original as a special experience that he had with his wife Emily Blunt, as he explained:

Beyond a critical and commercial success, A silent place It was very personal for John Krasinski because his wife and he were together, so you can see how he might want to leave it as a singular and special experience. The first film would probably not have been shot and, even after his success, John Krasinski did not expect to be involved in the sequel.

Despite the fact that he had no intention of coming back, the director had an idea of ​​what was going on in his head, but, as reported by THR, he rejected it and asked at the studio to move on without him. So, Paramount did exactly that and listened to speeches A quiet place 2. But John Krasinski did not totally shut his head afterwards and told his idea to one of the producers:

The ideas did not leave the mind so easily, and the next idea of ​​John Krasinski was trotting in his head until he told the producer Drew Form. Once that escaped him, he started thinking about it a little more and now he's writing A quiet place 2.

He may have started not wanting to participate so concretely in the future, but having a good story in his head and the opportunity to tell it is extremely convincing. That's part of what makes John Krasinski come back as a writer A quiet place 2 so exciting.

Although we heard that John Krasinski would be involved in the sequel, we did not know in what capacity. He could have just taken a producer credit and sent the project on the road. The fact that he came back specifically because he had an idea of ​​the story is encouraging.

We know that John Krasinski's ideas are a big part of what made A silent place the film and the success it was. The film originally featured flashbacks and a different opening, but Jim Halpert adjusted the script to give it a different structure, less dialogue and added other little details that made the movie so great .

Regarding what John Krasinski has in store for A quiet place 2it's too early to tell, and I guess things will stay quiet for a while. He has already talked about exploring what is happening elsewhere at the same time in history, perhaps as a result of different characters.

A quiet place 2 On May 15, 2020, the march is over. It's far from being the case, but there are a lot of big films that hold you back until then. Check out next year's schedule in our 2019 broadcast schedule.

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