John Legend Criticizes Senate Treatment of Survivors of Abuse at the Global Citizen Festival


John Legend has used his time on stage at the Global Citizen Festival to make the voices of those who talk about sexual assault heard, reports the Hollywood Reporter. He was presenting his new song, "Preach", before playing it at the festival, and the theme of the song is related to what he had to say.

"I wrote this song recently, it's not out yet. This is "Preach". In the song, we talk about the frustration of looking at your phone, reading the news, seeing what is going on, "he told the public at Central Park. "See how senators treat women who have complaints of sexual abuse. See how people make fun of young people who defend the right to go to school without being shot. See how people would denigrate those who simply claim that the lives of blacks matter. We can be frustrated when we see all this, but we can not give up. It's not enough for us to talk about it or tweet it, we have to do something. "

He received shouts and applause during his statement and stated that he was extremely inspired by the people who acted at the time of writing. He said that rather than just preaching about what should be done, people need to act and get involved if they really want to bring about social change.

Legend has been incredibly candid in supporting women's issues in general. Most recently, he has been particularly supportive of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault and asked for an FBI investigation before becoming a Supreme Court judge.

The legend tweeted his support for Dr. Ford and decried Kavanaugh, as he was apparently watching the proceedings at home. The legend also appeared in an advertisement against Kavanaugh's confirmation.

The legend follows his own advice. In addition to expressing himself, he runs an organization called Free America. The charity aims to promote awareness and dialogue about the criminal justice system and criminal justice reform. He also encouraged the public to vote, stressing that it was important not only to talk but also to walk. The upcoming mid-term elections are extremely controversial as Democrats try to overtake the Republican majority in Congress.

The concert was a fundraising and awareness raising event for sustainable development and the eradication of extreme poverty.

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