John Legend does not want to diagnose wheelchair Kanye West


John Legend, WSJ. Magazine

Thurston Redding for WSJ. Magazine

John legend reveals himself about his friend Kanye West.

In April, the rapper "Stronger" went to Twitter to share private text messages from singer "All of Me" about his political views. These messages came soon after West expressed his support for the president Donald Trump, and led to more exchanges between the two artists on American history and politics. Last month, West announced on Twitter that he stood out from politics. "My eyes are now wide open and realize now that I'm used to broadcasting messages I do not believe in," West tweeted. "I stand out from politics and focus completely on creativity !!!"

Asked about his friend's political views and actions in recent months, Legend, which covers the WSJ. The November issue of Innovator magazine, told the magazine, "Many people have tried to diagnose it in a wheelchair, but I leave it to him and his doctor to discuss what's going on in his brain."

"Clearly, I did not agree with some of the things that he was saying, and I was worried that he was saying that it could give power to some of the wrong forces." , to be really demoralizing for those who respected him and considered him a leader "continued. "I understand what Kanye sees in Trump, and I think it's a reaction to his personality, his marketing flair, and his neutral attitude." But what I meant was that when you wear this hat, when you appear I approve it, you also support his politics, all his rhetoric and not just the parts you like. "

The caption added, "I think we should talk about it, because we did not want people to be encouraged to follow his thinking without considering all the ramifications."

John Legend, Kanye West, Chrissy Teigen, baby shower


The legend also discussed his own presidential race with the magazine.

"People ask me if I want to run, but I do not," said the legend. "Maybe when I'm 60 – who knows what the world is going to be like? – but I love my life now and what I can do."

"Part of myself wants these things – when I hear things that our leaders say, I say to myself" If it were me, I would do this, this and that. "But I would not go to work every day, even at the Capitol or the White House," said Legend. "I just could not see it as the life I would like to live."

To learn more about the Legend interview, get a copy of the WSJ. November Innovator's Magazine Issue, in Newsstands Saturday, November 10.

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