John Legend urges protesters to


"You can not just talk about it or tweet about it. You have to do something," said Legend.

A frequent critic of President Donald Trump and his policies, the singer added: "I know that opening Twitter right now seems like a horror show, most news is shocking , infuriating and depressing, I think that some of us have a strong temptation to disengage, but we can not … I can not do that, I have to do something.

Sitting at the piano, Legend interprets his unpublished song "Preach", which he says "feels good for that moment."

The song started: "Every day I wake up, everything is broken. I get up every night, history repeats itself, turn off my phone because it hurts my chest … God knows I'm not defenseless, but what can I do? I'm even trying to make the change I want to see.

The main step against the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy towards undocumented migrants was in Lafayette Square, in the nation's capital, with hundreds of countries.

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