John Mayer shares a letter of heart dedicated to Mac Miller


John Mayer reflects on his friendship with Mac Miller.

On Saturday, the singer of "New Light" could not help sharing his feelings about the late rapper, who died on Friday. Mayer, 40, posted a picture of Miller and in a sincere letter, he said how amazing it was to work with him, what a fan he was about his music and how much he was going to miss us.

"It was going to be Mac Miller's year, and he's leapt into his music," said Mayer. "It's incredibly difficult to do, evolve and be better focused while your career is already in. You can not do it without a lot of work and Mac has put the job in place. I was not expecting his album the day he played some songs for me at his home, but when I heard "Small Worlds", I gave him a little short "yup", which is the most High praise that I can give. "

"I caught the closest guitar in the room and in a few hours we had finished a piece that made me incredibly happy to participate, not to mention our beautiful friendship," he said. pursued. "It was so funny that I just stopped typing" LOL "in our lyrics Mac was for me a permanent status of LOL I gave him the advice that I thought I had the right to have been the past and made him understand that none of these noises could ever really bite into the music that he was about to release. "

Mayer added that the last time he had seen Miller, was when he was playing at the Hotel Café in Los Angeles for a crowd of 100 people. The crooner "Gravity" reminded how much Miller was "nervous" and "honest" with his fans.

"I thought it was so endearing, especially since he was going to play one of the best sets I had seen in a long time," he said. "Mac put the work in. He made his best album and formed the band that was going to become a live sensation in a few weeks, believe me when I say that, I address my love and support to all those who know him better – little I did, I just loved it. "

See this post on Instagram

It was going to be Mac Miller's year. He leapt forward in his music. It's incredibly difficult to do, evolve and be better focused while your career is already underway. You do not get there without a lot of work, and Mac put the job. I did not expect to play on his album the day he played some songs at my house, but when I heard "Small Worlds," I gave him a little "yup", which is the highest praise I can give. That means we do not need to say another word, it's falling. I caught the closest guitar in the room and a few hours later we had finished a piece that made me incredibly happy to participate, not to mention our beautiful friendship. He was so funny that I just stopped typing "LOL" in our lyrics. Mac was for me a permanent status of LOL. I gave him the advice that I thought I had the right to do, having been in the past in the press and asking him to understand that none of these noises could really bite into the music that he was going out. The last time I saw him, he was playing at the Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles for a crowd of 100 people. He was nervous and honest about it with the audience. I thought it was so endearing, especially because he was going to play one of the best sets I had seen in a long time. His group was unreal. You should know that if you did not know Mac Miller, you were about to do it, if you had seen him at a festival or if a friend was going to watch a show and tell everyone they knew (like I did it).) Mac put to work. He made his best album and formed the group that would become a live sensation. Believe me when I say that. I address my love and support to all who know him better because what I did relatively little, I adore.

A post shared by John Mayer @ (@johnmayer) on

Meanwhile, Miller's mother, Karen Meyers, continues to mourn the loss of her son. On her Instagram Saturday, she shared a photo of both during a baseball game. The picture shows the late rapper with his head on his mother as he smiles at the camera.

"Ers" Meyers captioned the photo.

In a statement to ET Friday, Miller's family said: "Malcolm McCormick, known and loved by fans like Mac Miller, died tragically at the age of 26. He was a brilliant light for his family, his friends and his fans Thank you for your prayers.Please, respect our privacy.There are no other details as to the cause of his death right now. "

The rapper died of an apparent overdose, according to TMZ. A spokesman for the LAPD told ET: "A radio call was made about an investigation of an adult man" in Miller's home in San Fernando, Friday at 11:42.

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