John McCain appears in the television ad of N.J.'s candidate.


Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) Appears in campaign ads a few weeks after his death at the end of August. (Susan Walsh / AP)

A New Jersey Democrat nominees Senator John McCain in an ad campaign, just over two weeks after the death of brain cancer by Republicans in Arizona on Aug. 25.

Tom Malinowski, former assistant secretary of state for Obama and candidate for the dismissal of representative Leonard Lance (R) in the 7th congressional district of New Jersey, unveiled the announcement on Wednesday. The TV spot begins with pictures of McCain praising Malinowski at the 2013 Senate confirmation hearing.

"It's a contribution that Tom has made, especially in the congressional struggle to end the torture, and I'm always grateful to him," McCain said in the ad.

McCain, who was tortured for more than five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, wrote in 2005 a measure banning the torture of American detainees. At the time, Malinowski was a defender of the fight against torture in his role as Washington's director of defense for Human Rights Watch.

Benji Schwartz, a spokesman for Malinowski, said the candidate has been in contact with McCain's representatives throughout the campaign and has not objected to him using these images or talking from his work with McCain. Schwartz added that Malinowski's campaign began using images in February.

The Congressional Leadership Fund, a super PAC that supports candidates in the House and is aligned with the Speaker of the House, Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.), Seized last month Malinowski's work with Human Rights Watch in a television advertisement the rights of terrorists. Two former McCain assistants spoke up to defend Malinowski at the time.

The race saw both candidates emphasize their bipartisan good faith. Last month, Lance extolled his support by Giffords, the national gun control group founded by former congressman Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.).

The suburban district of New Jersey includes Bedminster Township, home of the Trump National Golf Club, a weekend retreat for President Trump.

McCain is also featured in a television commercial released Wednesday by the Congressional National Republican Committee against former Congressman Ann Kirkpatrick (D-Ariz.), Who seeks to return to Congress.

The announcement includes images of McCain attacking Kirkpatrick's record on taxes, federal spending and debt reduction during their 2016 Senate battle.

NRC also ran an ad on Wednesday in Michigan featuring McCain's criticism of Democratic candidate Elissa Slotkin.

Rick Davis, McCain's long-time advisor and spokesperson for the Senator's family, told Politico that the family was unhappy with McCorman's use of McCain in his commercials.

"The family is disappointed that John's image is being shot so soon after his death, and they hoped that people would have enough time to think about his final message before politicizing it," Davis said. . said, according to Politico.

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