John Stamos once masturbated at Fuller House in a fertility clinic


Even John Stamos can not get tired of Uncle Jesse.

On busy ", new version of E! Talk show, Busy tonight, the Fuller House The star had the candor to go to a fertility clinic with his wife, Caitlin McHugh, while the couple was trying to get pregnant with their 6-month-old son Billy.

"This is an absolutely true story and I was waiting to tell [it], He said Monday. "In trying to get pregnant, we had to go to a fertile place and I had to go and give a sperm sample. I can not believe I will finally be able to tell this story. "

Stamos, 55, said he had been taken to a private room and offered equipment.

"I went to that little room and they said," If you need stimulation, it does not matter, there are videos and there is a television here, "he recalls. "So I turn on the TV – and that's Fuller House. My hand to God!

"I'm leaving," If I'm going to masturbate for myself, it'll be my old self – not the new one! "He joked, as Philipps, 39, burst out laughing.

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The actor revealed that in December 2017, he and his fiancee McHugh were exclusively waiting for PEOPLE, explaining that the couple had "talked" about having a baby in the past – and that everything was going well. is put in place.

"We have the same moral values ​​and the same values, and it all worked out well. So we said, "Oh, well, maybe we should have a family," Stamos said.

McHugh suggested, "Maybe we should have a child [before we get married]And I said, "Why?", He continued, revealing his fiancee jokingly, "Because you're old."

"The [pregnancy] come. Then I said, I'd better put a ring on her finger, because it's the right thing to do, and I still wanted to marry her, "added Stamos.

According to McHugh, Stamos' face when he discovered that she was pregnant was "priceless".

"It was the look of a man who wanted to start a family but was not sure it was going to happen to him," she said. "It's now!"

Busy tonight will be broadcast from Sunday to Wednesday at 22h ET on E!, Fuller House Season 4 lands on Netflix on December 14th.

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