Johns Hopkins Study Reveals Therapy Dogs Can Transmit MRSA to Pediatric Patients


According to a study by Johns Hopkins Medicine, based in Baltimore, presented at ID Week 2018 in San Francisco, therapy dogs can serve as a mechanical vector for nosocomial infections.

As part of the pilot study, Johns Hopkins researchers examined the transmission of HAIs in therapeutic dogs, pediatric oncology patients, and the hospital environment. The researchers took samples from 45 patients and four therapy dogs over 13 visits before and after the children's interaction with the dogs.

The dog handlers of the therapy dogs conducted typical pre-visit practices for two control visits and a decolonization protocol for two intervention visits. The protocol included washing dogs in a chlorhexidine-based shampoo before visiting and using chlorhexidine wipes on their fur during the visit.

Researchers identified resistance to methicillin Staphylococcus aureus in approximately 10.2% of the children's samples and 38.5% of the dog samples. About 93% of the environmental samples were positive for the dog, before and after the treatment. Patients who interacted with a therapy dog ​​were approximately eight times more likely to demonstrate MRSA conversion, compared to children who had little interaction with animals.

"A risk of exposure to IAS of patients resulting from an interaction with the dog has been discovered, but this effect was canceled by the decolonization procedure," wrote researchers in a summary of the findings. study sent to Becker. "Future research is needed to increase the safety of this valuable alternative therapy."

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