Jokingly, Amy Schumer compared her pregnancy to that of Meghan Markle, proving she would become a funny mother


It's been less than 24 hours since Amy Schumer announced that she was pregnant with her first child with her husband, Chris Fischer, but it's not surprising that she's already making jokes about his future baby. When she confirmed that she was waiting in a statement to the Los Angeles TimesSchumer compared her pregnancy to that of Meghan Markle, and if there was any doubt that she was going to be a funny mother, that should convince you.

The news was announced Monday, when Schumer shared this important update in an Instagram account story from CNN's former correspondent at the White House, Jessica Yellin. First of all, Yellin shared Schumer's Favorite Candidates in Mid-term Elections Next Monthand then, at the bottom of the post, she shared the good news. And now, Schumer is officially ready to joke about his future maternity, including references to the next royal baby.

Schumer said to the LA Times,

"Chris and I are thrilled and almost positive, he is the father and I can not wait to compete with Markle every step of the way.."

Of course, Schumer jokes, but honestly, the moment of this pregnancy could not be better. who would not want to be pregnant at the same time as Meghan Markle? Their babies will be close in age and, by chance, they may end up with fast friends.

And that's not his first reference to Markle; when she asked her followers to go to Yellin's page for some good news, she shared a picture with her, as well as Fischer's faces superimposed on the bodies of Markle and Prince Harry.

Knowing Schumer, it is not at all surprising that she jokes about her pregnancy this way – and given her political activity (especially recently), it's no wonder she used her pregnancy announcement for to draw attention to the elections of her is obviously very passionate.

In his Monday Instagram account, Yellin said:

"We're 15 days from the mid-term and there's a lot going on … I wanted to share news from our community, maybe it's noise, but it's noise Happy … These are the recommendations of Amy Schumer, one of the most loyal and early supporters of #NewsNotNoise.Now read all the way down.You will see that there is news Over there, congratulations, Amy. "

At the bottom of the list, Schumer added his own contribution: "I'm pregnant, Amy Schumer."

Now that Schumer has made it known that she will compare her pregnancy to that of Markle, the next move belongs totally to the Duchess of Sussex. She is probably very busy with her royal tour and the growth of a human being inside her body, but maybe she can find some time to exchange pregnancy tips. with Schumer? This would also deserve an Instagram post.

No matter what happens with Markle, it can be assumed that Schumer will keep the jokes on arrival as she enters the next chapter of her life. Schumer is anything but excellent at making people laugh about some of the most difficult aspects of a woman's life, so why would this period of her life be different?

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