Jon Gruden ruins the Raiders with a guy famous for his bad tweets on the NFL


Why are the Raiders terrible? The simple answer is that they exchanged one of the best rushers of the game, Khalil Mack, with the Chicago Bears, leaving head coach Jon Gruden wondering why his team can not find a quick pass. But Mack 's trade is only one symptom of Oakland' s problems, as is the signing of a series of free agents on the hill during the off season.

The problem is that this $ 100 million training contract and the power it gives Gruden to make terrible staffing decisions. And to help him run the franchise OR bring him back to his peak of Al Davis zombie players based on 40 times (it really depends on your point of view), this very stable genius has hired his own scout-led team by an old According to Ian Rapoport of the NFL network, it's time to be a member carrying a bad version of Twitter.

Dave Razzano, director of football research at Gruden, played on Twitter and shared a hot football Von Miller will be a bust and Jake Locker should be the # 1 choice while Gruden talked about football on television.

These are not even the guy's worst shots.

The guy was a big believer of Christian Ponder. Which, now that you think about it, no wonder Gruden relies on the advice of the staff of this guy – he also likes bad quarters.

(Via Patrick Clayborn)

This is what my personal favorite of this man!

(Via Patrick Clayborn)

Having a football spirit so unparalleled in the building with the ear of the head coach has led to a division between Scouts and the generally better-performing staff members who were recruited under Reggie McKenzie, still nominally general manager of the team and Jake Locker. trust.

Surprisingly, there is not the level of animosity you expected between Gruden and McKenzie, according to Rapoport's story. Maybe because McKenzie knows he can easily find a job somewhere else, if he wants to. The teams wanted to interview him for the general manager positions during the off-season, but he refused them. Next time, as Rapoport suggests, he may not be able to. Nor should McKenzie be a fool not to jump off the ship that Gruden absolutely wanted to hit an iceberg.

The good news is that the Raiders now have two more choices in the first round thanks to the decision to send Khalil Mack to Chicago. Maybe they can trade against the next Jake Locker or Da'Quan Bowers!

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