Jon Gruden says he'll give 100 million dollars to the Raiders if he can not do it


Earlier this offseason, the Oakland Raiders made Jon Gruden their 100 million dollar man . Gruden was awarded a 10-year contract to return to Oakland, 17 years after leaving the franchise for the first time and 10 years after his last training in the league.

Gruden's off-season plan for the Raiders fell under fire – including on this site – with his preference to sign older players (Doug Martin, Jordy Nelson, Derrick Johnson ) to 1998 (singing two ends of blocking and a back), and rejection of analytics being the main centers of interest of the critics. Gruden said that he does not care about his critics and that he does not listen to it, and that he has a lot of coaches with whom he is in ecstasy about the Raiders' offseason .

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In other words, he is incredibly confident that things will happen for his new team, regardless of the general reception of the movements they made during this offseason. How confident is he? Well, on Tuesday, he basically gave the Raiders a money back guarantee.

"If I can not do it, I will not take their money," Gruden told USA TODAY.

Of course, Gruden did not define exactly what "do it" mean. Does he mean to win a Super Bowl? Being the best team in AFC West? Improve on the record of the team under Jack Del Rio? We do not really know. So, there is no easy way to judge whether Gruden has reached his target or whether he "needs" to give the Raiders their money back. There is also no end date to "do things", whatever "it" is.

Gruden signed a 10-year contract, which would give him a lot of latitude, but he says he does not focus on the length of his contract. "Who guarantees me that I will live 10 years?" he said. "So I do not think about that, you start thinking about a 10 year contract, people do not know how it is structured and it does not matter, the only thing that matters is:" Khalil Mack will he be Will Donald Penn be ready to play? I have more important things to worry about than eight years of my contract. "

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