Jonah Hill had a low self-esteem of "listening to people say that I was fat and disgusting"


Jonah Hill learns to rebuild her self-esteem.

The 34-year-old actor debuted in showbiz when he was young, which made him vulnerable to public criticism on his body. Hill said that he had started thinking about this for the first time during his debut as a director, Mid 1990s, who talks about a 13-year-old boy trying to fit in.

As he was working on the film, Hill created a magazine called Inner childrenin which he wrote about his body image problems over the years.

"I became famous towards the end of my teenage years, and then spent most of my young adult life listening to people saying that I was fat and disgusting and that I was not attractive. And it's only in the last four years that I've written and directed my film, Mid90, that I started to understand how bad it hurt me and went through my head, "he read in the magazine The Ellen DeGeneres show Friday.

Hill writes in Inner children that he thinks it's a universal experience.

"I really believe that everyone has a picture of themselves from a young age they are ashamed of," he said. "For me, it's this overweight, unattractive 14-year-old who feels ugly around the world, listens to hip-hop and wants to be so accepted by this skater community."

Hill told host Ellen DeGeneres that he thought this feeling persisted, regardless of success later in life.

"I think everyone has a version of themselves … at some point in their life, the person you're trying to hide somehow from the world," he said. "Even if you're successful or you grow up or become handsome, it does not matter, the things you think are going to solve the problem, you're wearing some of it."

But explore these issues in the magazine while working on Mid 1990s helped Hill overcome his emotions.

"What I found awesome about [the magazine] was it really an accompaniment piece for writing and directing Mid 1990s For me, this film is about learning to love and find a community of people who accepts you and how imperfect life is, "he said. "Honestly, until now, it has taken me a long time for me to be a kind of person, artist, spirit, of what I represent, of what I feel, from what I would like to talk about, how does the world in a way that truly represents who I am as a person, as opposed to me trying to be something else. other than I am not. "

Jonah Hill and Ellen DeGeneres

Jonah Hill and Ellen DeGeneres

Michael Rozman / Warner Bros.

DeGeneres added that she understood exactly what Hill feels, especially as a person also working in Hollywood.

"We are entering this business – especially the actors and actresses – seeking approval first, seeking love, filling a void and becoming the others in some way to avoid being exactly what we are," said DeGeneres, 60. "A lot of people are stuck in this role play instead of just knowing who you are. So it's very cool that you found who you are and that you love him because you are a brilliant man. I'm glad you love yourself! "

"I'm under construction like all of us," Hill told him.

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the Maniacal star spent the last years of his career changing his body for different roles. After gaining weight for the 2016 movie Dogs of warhe decided to lose weight again, with a hard love on his part 22 Jump Street Costar Channing Tatum.

"I gained weight for this movie Dogs of warAnd then I wanted to be in better shape, so I called Channing Tatum and said, "Hey, if I eat less and go to a trainer, will I be in better shape?" And he said, "Yes, you're stupid motherf–, of course, it's the simplest thing in the world," Hill said in 2017.

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