Jordan Hunt is a man who goes around the table


Jordan Hunt, the barber who kicked a pro-life protester in Toronto, was fired from his job in a Toronto office after the outcry over his actions. Hunt was identified as the culprit in a statement from his employer, Noble Studio 101. The victim is named after 27-year-old Marie-Claire Bissonnette. The video was recorded at the Life Chain event in Canada on September 30th. The altercation began as Bissonnette. Hunt challenged, accusing him of vandalizing his pro-life signs. Hunt begins by challenging Bissonnette's opinion by asking her opinion on the abortion of raped women. Hunt says, "If someone gets raped by someone and says," I'm 16 years old and I can not have this baby, "you think you should keep it?" Hunt then gives the demonstrator a thumbs up. up / down gesture. Bissonnette answers: "It's a baby. If anyone is raped and she has given birth, she decided to kill her child. "

Hunt works on a "guide to natural life"

An archived version of Hunt's profile on the Noble Studio website reveals that Hunt previously owned another show, Bizarre Strike. Hunt writes that he is writing a book, The witch hippie swamp. Hunt calls the book "a guide to natural life and my own product line". Hunt writes about his hair style: "I like to let the hair tell me what they want, for example; You wake up every morning with a sexy headboard, a washable hairstyle that falls naturally so well that everyone will believe that you spend hours on your hair, but ONLY you will know that you have just woken up and that. Whether it's a fine business look or a messy punk cut, my skills have you covered, no matter what your style. "

Hunt's employers stated that he had been fired and that "everyone is entitled to an opinion"

After the kick, Hunt tried to say that he had intended to kick Bissonnette's phone and accidentally made contact with her. Bissonnette asks passers-by to call the police. Shortly after the video went viral, Noble Studio 101, Hunt's employee, said in a statement posted on Instagram, "It was brought to our attention that Jordan Hunt was filmed for assaulting an innocent bystander. during a pro-life rally. We do not tolerate his actions and he was let go. We believe that everyone has the right to have an opinion and the right to give their opinion without fear of physical violence. The former Hunt employer also referred to the hairdresser as a "subcontractor". The Toronto Police Service stated that he was aware of the incident, but that no arrests were made.

Bissonnette said that pro-choice protesters threatened her with rape

Marie-Claire Bissonnette Facebook page

Facebook / Marie-Claire BissonnetteMarie-Claire Bissonnette photographed with her fiance. The pro-life activist is engaged in August 2018.

Bissonnette said in a statement, via LifeSite News, after the incident:

I have participated in many public pro-life activities throughout my life. This is not the first time I have been attacked. Stones were thrown at me. I've been spitting it several times and pushed. The men aggressively asked what I would like if they raped me and forced me to have an abortion. The media argues that pro-life activists are violent and pose a danger to women.

It's a bald lie. The only violence or aggression that I have witnessed during my many years in the pro-life movement comes entirely from pro-abortion activists, yet this is rarely, if ever, , reported.

I want to be clear that I sympathize with any girl or woman who has experienced the trauma and invasion of sexual assault. I can not imagine what it looks like, but this thought alone is odious and painful. I do not want to diminish or reject the torture of this experience or the gravity of the crime.

And getting pregnant as a result of this terrible experience puts a girl or a woman in a very difficult situation that imposes a decision that will have effects for life. But the reality is that the woman who conceived after the rape has become a mother and I can not support a procedure that would make her the mother of a dead child. "

Bissonnette is a wedding singer in the Toronto area

Marie-Claire Bissonnette Facebook page

Facebook / Marie-Claire Bissonnette

Bissonnette is the youth coordinator of the Campaign Life Coalition. She has been in this role since 2016. In addition, Bissonnette performs as a jazz and classical singer at weddings in Hamilton, Ontario. A professional profile says that Bissonnette holds a B.A. in music and has been performing for ten years. According to this profile, Bissonnette also teaches singing in the Hamilton area. Bissonnette can be booked for conferences on topics such as "Abortion / Contraception, Pro-Life Activism Youth, Events Coordination for Young Pro-Life" here.

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