Joseph Mifsud, who offered to link the Trump campaign to Putin, misses and could be dead


Professor Joseph Mifsud had already been in touch with Trump's former campaign assistant, George Papadopoulos. The professor, who was based at Stirling University in Scotland, told Papadopoulos that he was having trouble with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, whom Russia had won. Now according to the Daily mailThe man who served as a "link between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and the Kremlin" is missing and may even be dead, according to court documents.

Mifsud, 57, has repeatedly denied ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin and allegations that he is a Russian spy.

"Secret agent I have never received a penny from the Russians, my conscience is clean," Mifsud said, but allegations against Mifsud claim that it has been proposed to take advantage of his "substantial relations with representatives of the Russian government "to obtain" thousands of emails "that would hurt Clinton's chances of becoming president in 2016.

The professor was named in several documents by the Democratic National Committee, which governs the Democratic Party, submitted to a New York court. The DNC has filed a lawsuit against "Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks for alleged interference in the 2016 elections". The documents indicate that all the defendants were served with the complaint "And maybe" deceased. "The fiance of the teacher, a Ukrainian who recently gave birth to their child, said that she had not have not heard of Mifsud for several months.

In addition to informing Papadopoulos of the presumed presence of Clinton during their meeting in a hotel in London, Mifsud proposed to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. After meeting with Mifsud, Papadopoulos reportedly told an "Australian diplomat", which gave impetus to the Russian inquiry led by Special Adviser Robert Mueller. Papadopoulos was recently sentenced to 14 days in jail for lying to the FBI. Inquisitr reported.

For its part, Mifsud had an interesting career. During his years at Stirling University, he was part of the University's Diplomacy Team. Before his stint in Stirling, the professor was president of the University of Slovenia. He quit his job following allegations of embezzlement. He worked at the University of Malta until 2007. Mifsud was often called "ambassador Misfud" while he served only six months in the office of the Maltese Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mifsud has also been advising Malta on how to enter the European Union.

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