Joseph says Broncos, bitter Thomas must move on


ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (AP) – Vance Joseph said Demaryius Thomas, a former receiver of Denver and Demaryius Thomas, just needed to move on from his recent breakup.

Thomas said Monday in a radio interview, one day after his homecoming to the victorious home of the 19-17 Texans in Denver, that he had been misled by the Broncos about the possibility from an exchange, he had been invited to surrender to rookie receivers heartbroken not to be named captain this year.

Joseph said on Wednesday that he had "great respect for D.T.", was "disappointed with the way he remembers conversations", and "we have to move on".

"He has to move on. We have to move on, "said Joseph. "He is no longer a Bronco and I can not worry about that. But as far as reading these articles, I am disappointed that this is how I presented it. "

Thomas expressed his frustrations during an interview with former Broncos Rod Smith and Ray Crockett on Orange & Blue 760-AM in Denver, Broncos broadcast partner.

Thomas said that the day before his exchange, Joseph had told him that the discussions were not true.

"I said, How is that wrong? My agent called me today and told me (General Manager, John) Elway wanted a fifth round pick for me. So, we're telling stories now? I thought we were going to be men about it, "Thomas said.

In his first comments on Thomas's critics, Joseph said, "I am disappointed with the way he remembers those conversations."

"It was obviously a week and a half during which rumors and rumors circulated. We talked about rumors and rumors. While waiting for something to happen, we all had to focus on our work and the victory in football, "said Joseph. "From my side, this has been discussed."

During the interview, Thomas complained of not being named captain this year, which he had already done three times before, and suggested that there were shenanigans in the count of votes: "I go to a meeting room and it's as if each player came for me and were like," How are you not a captain? We chose you. It was heartbreaking.

Freestyle quarterback Case Keenum and long-time Matt Paradis were named offensive captains this year, and Joseph said Thomas had never expressed his disappointment at his exclusion.

"No, no, and our players are voting for the captains," said Joseph, "They vote for the right guys, who want to lead their football team, so I do not know where it comes from or who has Discussed this with DT But again, I have a great respect for him, the players vote for the captains, they voted for who they thought were the best guys to lead their football team. all."

In his interview, Thomas also said the new receivers receiver coach Zach Azzanni had told him that he would have to give up the time needed for the Broncos to give more shots to rookie receivers Courtland Sutton and DaeSean Hamilton. He also stated that he was the only veteran receiver to have been informed of this.

Thomas added, "I do not understand that because I never cried for the ball. I did not get angry for anything … it hurt me. I am emotional I'm empty. I am always empty. "

Thomas captured three passes for a 61-yard win in the Texans victory Sunday in Denver, where the Broncos paid tribute to their former receiver with a video tribute before the game and by thanking Thomas on the banner, high of 10 floors. their stage.

"We have great respect for D.T.," said Joseph. "He was an excellent player here and we honored him on Sunday. We did not win the match; he won the match. I think it's a bit frustrating on his part, but I'm disappointed with the way things went because I do not remember that. And that's fine. The last point: we have to move on. "

Notes: Paradise underwent surgery on Wednesday to repair her right leg, which she broke on Sunday. … The players were given a four-day holiday for their week off after a practice session on Wednesday.

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