Juanita Broaddrick is happy that you believe her, would you ignore Christine Blasey Ford


WASHINGTON – In 1999, Juanita Broaddrick said that the then president, Bill Clinton, had raped her 20 years earlier. It had attracted the attention of skeptical media at the time and several polls revealed that the American public did not believe it.

Now, with the Me Too movement taking a closer look at the bad guys in politics, in the media and in business – and even ending their careers – journalists have The story of Broaddrick revisited and found it more believable. Even the democratic voters now say that they believe in the allegations of sexual assault or harassment against Clinton. For that, Broaddrick is happy.

"It's so much better now," she told HuffPost, saying that she particularly liked a 2017 New York Times edited by Michelle Goldberg. "I have so many people in the middle and left who understand that I'm telling the truth."

But Mrs. Broaddrick was in Washington Thursday not only to tell her own story – but she also came to question another woman's sexual assault claim, giving interviews to reporters at the Concerned Women for America rally in favor of Brett Kavanaugh.

In Dirksen's Senate office building, Christine Blasey Ford was preparing to testify that Kavanaugh had pinned her on a bed and trotted her when they were both high school girls in the early 1980s.

"I thought he was going to rape me," Blasey told the Senate Judiciary Committee. "I tried to scream for help. When I did, Brett put his hand on my mouth to stop me from screaming. That's what made me the most terrified and had the most lasting impact on my life. "

Broaddrick said the Democrats were hypocrites for choosing to elevate Blasey's claims Thursday after ignoring Broaddrick's decision twenty years ago. "If you can listen to such accusations, how can you not listen to me at the time?" She said.

Specifically, Broaddrick said the Democratic senators refused to read a statement she gave to the investigators about Clinton's fault. Broaddrick's allegation had been omitted from the indictment articles according to which passed the House in 1998, however, who was focusing on his perjury as president, and only surfaced after the Senate acquitted Clinton the following year.

Broaddrick has become increasingly frank as a curator. She told BuzzFeed that she voted for Democrat Barack Obama in 2008, but in 2016, she was one of the guests of Republican candidate Donald Trump in a debate with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

The stories of Broaddrick and Blasey have some similarities. Both women have waited decades to decide on the allegations of abuse. Both said they felt compelled to reveal their identities because of pressure from investigative journalists.

But Broaddrick said his own story, which Clinton had raped in a motel room in Arkansas in 1978, is more believable, largely because several other people confirmed that she had told them about the incident soon after. Blasey waited more than 30 years before telling anyone. She first revealed the aggression during a therapy session in 2012 with her husband.

The fact that no one said they had heard of Blasey's assault at the material time, said Broaddrick, is why she finds this incredible. "You compare that with mine – data, dates, people I talked to, injuries," she said, referring to her statement that Clinton was biting her lip.

"I think she's casting a very dark shadow on the real victims," ​​Broaddrick said.

Republicans said the lack of contemporary corroborating evidence was Blasey's main problem. Her lawyers provided affidavits from her husband and three friends who told her that she had been told that she had been assaulted by Kavanaugh prior to her appointment to the Supreme Court, but all of the evidence dates back to 2012 or later.

"These are not people who witnessed the alleged event," said Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) at HuffPost. "All the people she identified as witnesses to the alleged event said they could not confirm it."

The only other person Blasey said to be in the room was Mark Judge, a classmate of Kavanaugh who said he had never seen the judge behaving as Blasey describes it. But Republicans have shown little interest in getting new testimony from Judge, a conservative writer.

Broaddrick said she had not heard of people who reportedly told Blasey about her allegation before Kavanaugh became Trump's candidate. "I will have to read about it," she said.

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