Judge blocks Trump from ending protections for 300,000 immigrants


Pro-temporary protected status protesters

Supporters of temporary protected status immigrants hold signs and cheers at a rally on March 12, 2018, just before the lawsuit was announced. | Jeff Chiu / AP Photo

More than 300,000 nationals from El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua and Sudan.

The second half of the world has come to the fore – some of whom have lived in the United States for decades – to find another immigration status or face deportation.

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In a 43-page order, San Francisco-based U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen concluded the GST with the parties, "with indisputable children" and "irreparable harm and hardship."

Chen, an appointee of President Barack Obama, wrote that US-born children could not cope with their children. the US

"The balance of hardships and tips of the beneficiaries and their families," Chen continued.

GET allows people to remain in the U.S. and apply for work permits to their home country experiences a natural disaster, armed conflict or other extraordinary event.

However, a country's designation in the program must be periodically renewed. The trump administration has taken a hard line on renewals and moved to the status of most beneficiaries.

In addition to the above mentioned countries, the administration has acted for TPS for people from Honduras and Nepal.

The preliminary injunction will not immediately affect program enrollees. Sudanese, whose enrollment will terminate on Nov. 2.

El Salvador has the most TPS beneficiaries, who are not slated to lose the designation until September 2019.

In his order Wednesday, Chen added that the plaintiffs – TPS enrollees and their children – "raised serious questions" about whether the administration 's decision to terminate the status is based on racial animus against non – white immigrants. The President of the United States Donald Trump as evidence of bias against Latino and Haitian immigrants.

In addition, Chen said plaintiffs "established and disputed that local and national economies will be hurt.

Justice Department spokesman Devin O'Malley said in a written statement that the decision "usurps the role of the executive branch" and rejected any contention that the administration acted improperly in the process of phasing out TPS for those countries.

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