Judge Does Not Give Trump Administrator More Time to Reunite All Separated Families


A federal judge appeared Friday to have rejected the Trump administration's request to extend the deadline for reuniting separated families at the border as part of the "zero tolerance" policy

. District Judge Dana Sabraw said the department must respect the deadline of 10 July to reunite children under 5 with their parents, and 26 July for other children, "unless explicitly stated".

an extension of time ordered by the court, saying that he needed more time to match the DNA tests to 101 children under 5 years old.

"Government does not wish to unnecessarily delay grouping or burden of members" Department argued in the filing, according to the Associated Press. "At the same time, however, it is in the government's interest that any handover of a child into the custody of the government be done in a manner that ensures the child's safety."

Sarah Fabian, has so far matched 83 children to 86 parents.

"There will always be a tension between a quick release and a release," she said.

The judge said that an extension may be allowed in some cases. ordered the Trump administration to share a list of 101 children with the American Civil Liberties Union, which initially filed a lawsuit to force reunification, so that both parties can determine which cases need more of time.

says, according to the AP. "He must meet deadlines unless there is an articulable reason."

More than 2,000 migrant children have been separated from their parents as part of the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy to prosecute more people illegally crossing the border. ] Donald TrumpMcMaster is complaining that Trump "thinks he can be friends with Putin": Manafort report requests that the Virginia lawsuit be moved, citing Giuliani's media coverage: Mueller must prove that Trump committed a crime before agreeing to interview last month signed a decree banning family separations at the border, but the administration has been criticized for not having not act quickly to reunite families.

-Update 10:50 am

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