Judges Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan Speak on Partisan Politics, Supreme Court, Brett Kavanaugh


Judges Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan of the Supreme Court commented on their experiences at the highest court in the country, including the idea of ​​political bias on the bench.

"There are structures within the court – and the least of that is our modern understanding among the eight current judges – that we must go beyond partisanship in our personal relationships," Sotomayor J. said.

Sotomayor generally explained that Supreme Court judges should always go beyond political debates to preserve the integrity of the court. He emphasized that this effort began with the way judges treat one another.

"We must treat each other with respect and dignity, and with a sense of friendship that the rest of the world does not share often," said Sotomayor.

This conversation takes place in the context of what has been a tumultuous validation process for their likely future colleague, Brett Kavanaugh, who should be confirmed in court this weekend.

Confirmation of Kavanaugh comes after weeks of allegations of sexual misconduct that culminated in a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Sept. 27. During this hearing, Kavanaugh publicly rejected a complaint from California professor Christine Blasey Ford, who alleged that Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her. Kavanaugh has launched into an attack on Democrats.

In his speech, he accused Democratic senators sitting on the Judiciary Committee of seeking revenge "on behalf of the Clintons" and for acting out "anger against President Trump and the 2016 elections". .

Kavanaugh attempted to revisit some of this emotion in an opinion piece published in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday.

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