Julie Andrews surprises her fans with a cameo & # 39; Aquaman & # 39;


You may not see Julie Andrews in Mary Poppins is back in December, but that does not mean that she stays away from your screens. In a surprise announcement, it appears that the iconic Hollywood star will be present in DC's latest film, Aquaman.

Although you may not see the face of the actress, you will hear her famous voice while she would provide singing for the mythical Karathen. according to Weekly entertainment, his character "holds the key to Arthur Curry's quest to unite the Atlantean world and the surface world".

When it came to choosing Karathen in Andrews, the producer of the film, Peter Safran, understood that he wanted a "classic British actress" to give the voice. Even if it is "slightly modified numerically", you can still say that their voice is identical to that of classic roles such as Maria (The sound of music), Mary (Mary Poppins) and Millie Dillmount (Completely modern Millie). "And when we found out that Julie was interested, available, and enthusiastic about throwing her, throwing it was obvious," he added.

EW emphasizes that this role is "particularly interesting", given Aquaman is competing at the holiday box office with Mary Poppins is back. Saffron even joked: "Who knew that Aquaman would the real Mary Poppins have this Christmas? "

Even though Mary Poppins Andrew Marshall, director of the new film, Marshall Weekly entertainment she is "one thousand percent" in favor of the film. In fact, she only chose not to make an appearance out of respect for Emily Blunt, who assumes this iconic role. However, you will see Dick Van Dyke resume his role as Mr. Dawes Sr, the banker.

Aquaman stars Jason Momoa, Amber Heard and Nicole Kidman will be released on December 21, 2018. Mary Poppins is back stars Emily Blunt and Lin-Manuel Miranda and opens on December 19, 2018.

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