Julie Chen opts not to respond to Moonves's investigation on return to the antenna – Variety


Julie Chen has resumed her usual activities – at least as far as the organization of "Big Brother" is concerned.

Less than a week after her husband, Leslie Moonves, was removed from his position as CEO and president of CBS, Chen was back on the network to oversee the latest live episode of the reality contest series . She did not take the time to directly address or recognize what was going on behind the scenes at CBS, but she signed a new way to show her support.

"From outside the house" Big Brother "… I'm Julie Chen Moonves. Good night, she said.

The remainder of the one hour episode was rather focused solely on the progression of all additional game items associated with the special episode of double crowding.

Conversely, when the first allegations against Moonves were published in July, Chen immediately spoke on Twitter to defend the man she not only married but for which she also works. "Leslie is a good man and a loving father, a dedicated husband and an inspiring entrepreneur," she said. tweeted at the time. "He has always been a kind, decent and moral human being. I fully support my husband and I am behind him and his statement. "

This episode of "Big Brother" marks the first time Chen has been on television since the ousting of Moonves. She missed the first concerts of the ninth season of "The Talk", which she co-hosts earlier this week. At that time, she issued a statement that she would be spending time with her family, but she planned to be back in time for the next live episode of "Big Brother." She has done so but still has not made a statement about what she thinks about recent allegations and investigations on Moonves. Meanwhile, his "Talk" co-hosts have all been in favor of transparency regarding the publication by CBS of the results of this survey.

"How will women feel comfortable in the workplace if they still think that power and money will end up over their heads?" Said Sharon Osbourne at of the conversation on Tuesday. "It will never end. It should not be allowed to anyone to keep the verdict sealed. This is not fair for women. It will never end.

As Chen was not absent from "Big Brother" (the previous episode that she had aired last Thursday, Sept. 6, a few days before the release of Moonves), Chen's lack of recognition backstage may not have been unexpected for viewers or CBS insiders, some of whom said yesterday Variety The atmosphere within CBS in general was a range of "business as usual to resignation". In addition, candidates inside the house are cut off from the outside world and do not know what is happening to the network they have been spending their summers on.

But as time passes and further details about the extent of Moonves' abusive conduct continue to appear, Chen's return to the air came less than an hour later. Variety has published a report on the "dark side" of work for him, for example – Chen's cone of silence on the subject can become more and more difficult to accept.

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