"Julie & Julia" returns to Netflix in November 2018 to satisfy the appetites of film and food lovers


A special treat for those who love their frenzy and culinary varieties: Julie and Julia returns to Netflix in November 2018 – just in time for the holidays. After all, what better way is there to create an appetite for commodities like turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes, than to see some delicious creations from the world? one of the most beloved American chefs (played by one of America's most valued actresses))? Oh, and add to that a certain amount of comfort by telling yourself that you are not the only one who is hard to recreate a piece of resistance worthy of a cookbook worthy of Pinterest, to complete the recipe for a perfect Thanksgiving themed entertainment.

In the 2009 comedy drama written and directed by the late Nora Ephron (available on Netflix on November 1), Meryl Streep exploits her magic inherent in Meryl to become Julia Child, AKA, the first American woman to study at the famous restaurant Culinary Cordon Bleu in Paris. school. Juxtaposed with the stories of Child's studies and his fame, is the parallel story of New York's 20-something-year-old Julie Powell (Amy Adams), who boldly decides to d & # 39; 39, assume the 524 recipes from Child's cookbook, 1961 Master the art of French cuisine – all in 365 days.

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Of course, it was not surprising that his portrayal of Childs earned Streep his 16th Oscar nomination. (She lost to Sandra Bullock who won the statue that year for her role in The blind side.) Always ready to roll up his sleeves, the iconic actor has even adopted a super method to play Child. "There was a kitchen set up in the studio and I practiced my cooking there," Streep explained in a 2009 interview. The telegraph.

She even learned one or two thoughts through her extracurricular activities. Obviously, all this has been a day of work to play the woman who cited food as one of her main skills. "I could justify it because it was part of my job," Streep added. "I've been cooking roast chicken for 30 years, but I was wrong and Julia Child has a recipe that is absolutely foolproof – it's the difference between doing it pretty well and doing well." And there's to someone who knows something about greatness … (Fun fact: Streep's "Idea of ​​Paradise" is a perfect chicken with a salad and a glass of Sancerre.)


Although Streep's buddy, Adams, had previously told MTV News that she was "not really intimidated by the cooking," she also had some reasons to stop playing the role, to perfect his salad cut into pieces. After all, Ephron has given him the job of preparing and blogging a recipe for Master the art of French cuisine. As Adams told MTV:

"The dish was" Brussels sprouts with cheese ", and I can not even say it in French without sounding silly.But they were beautiful, they were beautiful.I wrote about it, much to my chagrin I have so much respect for writers, it's my only great desire.If I did not envy anything, apart from the size, it's the writing.Really be able to sit down and s' to express with confidence, I can not do it, it makes no sense. "


Julie and Julie Gourmands and moviegoers will clearly say "Bon appétit" in November.

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