Julie Swetnick, accuser of Kavanaugh, expresses herself on allegations of sexual abuse


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Julie Swetnick says she's a shy person who does not pay attention to politics. But she says she feels she has to publicly disclose serious allegations against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a Supreme Court candidate.

In an exclusive interview with NBC News, Swetnick claims to have seen Kavanaugh behaving inappropriately at parties in the early 1980s.

"He was very aggressive – he was drunk, very drunk, very bad, I saw him, get close to the girls and give them a paw, try, you know, be a little too strong, touching them from side to side, I saw her trying to change clothes, "she told Snow.

Swetnick stated that it was only after September 16, in an article in The Washington Post, that Christine Blasey Ford claimed that Kavanaugh had assaulted her on a night when she realized she had a story similar to telling.

NBC News has not been able to independently corroborate Swetnick's claims and has spoken to anyone who reportedly saw Swetnick at parties with Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh said that he did not know Swetnick and called it a joke.

Swetnick provided NBC News with the names of four friends who, she said, went to parties with her. One died, while two others did not respond to requests for comment. A fourth told NBC News that he did not remember Swetnick and did not think that he had attended her.

Julie Swetnick
The FBI is now free to interview Julie Swetnick if she wishes.NBC News

Swetnick says he saw boys standing in front of closed rooms at parties but did not know what was going on behind closed doors until she says that she she herself was attacked around 1982.

"My body has been raped," she says with a sigh. "My soul was broken, I felt as if someone had taken me and said:" You are worthless, you are nothing to us, you are disposable. " & # 39; "

She recounted that she was not feeling well, that she had been "pushed into a room" and then raped by more than one man.

She says that Kavanaugh and his friend Mark Judge were in the same part of the house earlier in the evening, but she can not know for sure if they were involved.

"I can not specifically say that he was one of those who mistreated me," she said.

In a previous statement to NBC News, Mark Judge's attorney also stated that "Mr. Judge vehemently denies Ms. Swetnick's allegations".

Swetnick said that she had talked about the attack to her mother and a police officer shortly thereafter. His mother and officer are now dead. NBC News has filed a request for public documents for its archives, but local authorities have indicated that an answer could take up to 30 days.

Swetnick, now 55, said that when she decided to show up, a friend put her in touch with Michael Avenatti, the lawyer representing the company. former adult actress Stormy Daniels in her legal fight with President Trump and Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

On Monday afternoon, the White House authorized the FBI to expand its additional investigation into Kavanaugh and to question anyone it deems necessary, provided its review is completed this week. Swetnick says she's very eager to talk to the FBI.

President Trump questioned Swetnick 's credibility on Monday, along with Republican senators.

Asked about a lawsuit filed by a former employer who claimed to have been involved in "unwelcome sexual insinuations" at his workplace and lied about Johns Hopkins' graduation, Swetnick said that this action was without foundation. The complaint, filed in Portland, Oregon in November 2000, was filed with prejudice a month later.

And an ex-boyfriend of Swetnick's, in March 2001, sought a restraining order against her in Miami-Dade County, Florida, and accused her of threatening her family. The records show that the prosecution was dismissed less than two weeks later.

"It is absolutely ridiculous and honestly, I have never received a restrictive order," Swetnick said.

Kavanaugh categorically denied and categorically denied any charges of sexual misconduct against him. During an interrogation Thursday in the Senate, he swore that none of Swetnick's allegations were true and that he had never met her.

He called his story "nonsense" and a "joke".

"Do you know what I'm saying to that?" said Swetnick. "He's a liar."

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