Julie Swetnick is not contacted by the FBI, the White House refuses to limit the Kavanaugh probe


Third Supreme Court accuser Julie Swetnick has not been contacted by the FBI despite security checks and sworn affidavits, her lawyer Michael Avenatti wrote on Twitter. He also accused President Donald Trump of not allowing him to be questioned or testified by the FBI.

"How do you conduct a legitimate, fair and thorough investigation of the allegations unless you interview the person who makes the allegations about his experiences, what he witnessed, and what facts and other witnesses he knew about? ? " Avenatti tweeted Sunday.

NBC News reported that the FBI was not allowed to investigate the claims of Swetnick, who accused Kavanaugh of committing sexual misconduct in high schools in the early 1980s. According to the report, the lawyer's office the White House has provided the FBI with a list of witnesses they are allowed to question and the list does not include the name of Swetnick.

On Saturday, Trump tweeted that he wanted the FBI to "interview those they deem appropriate, at their discretion."

However, the White House rejected the claims Sunday and said it was not trying to limit the investigation. "The White House does not micromanage this process, the Senate dictates the conditions, the FBI is what they do, and we are out of reach and we allow them to do just that." said Sarah Sanders, press secretary of the White House. an interview with Fox News Sunday.

Kellyanne Conway, a White House advisor, also refuted the reports, saying, "We trust hard-working FBI men and women, and they will determine what will be included in this scope.

Trump targeted NBC News in a tweet stating, "NBC News has reported incorrectly (as usual) that I was limiting the FBI investigation on Judge Kavanaugh, and the witnesses, only to certain people. In fact, I want them to interview those they deem appropriate, at their discretion. Please correct your report! "

After the tweet, NBC News reported that a senior US official and another source familiar with the proceedings said the tweet had not changed the limits imposed by the law firm's office. White House and that the agency had received no new White House instruction.

Amy Klobuchar, a former Minnesota senator, said that CNN that she is "concerned about this because the White House should not be allowed to micromanage an FBI investigation."

"I think she's [Swetnick] must be interviewed by the FBI. I did not meet him. I believe in due process, she signed an affidavit, "she said.

The other two accusers, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Deborah Ramirez, were allowed to testify before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate last Thursday. While Ford's legal team said on Sunday that it had not been contacted by the FBI yet, Ramirez's lawyer confirmed that the FBI had made contact with her.

brett Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee at Capitol Hill, Washington, on September 27, 2018. Photo: Andrew Harnik / Pool via REUTERS / File Photo

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