"Jupiter blew Nibiru": a bright flash in the night sky Ufologists perplexed in Russia


Conspiracy theorists have predicted that asteroid rain from fragments of Planet X until the end of the year would cover Mars and the Earth from the Apocalypse of the Solar System.

«Питер взорвал Нибиру»: ркая вспышка в ночном небе России озадачила уфологов

On the night of October 1, in one of the regions of Russia, the night sky is pierced by a flash. Throughout the week, the UFO was waiting for the comments of the representatives of science, but astrophysicists are unable to explain the mysterious glow. Today, the network is teeming with conspiracy theories about the incident in the night sky of Russia.

«Питер взорвал Нибиру»: ркая вспышка в ночном небе России озадачила уфологов

The most popular version – the "big brother" of the Earth, Jupiter, blew the mortal Nibiru. The gravitational power of the gas giant is enough to adjust the apocalyptic trajectory of "Star of Death," but the "big brother" is excessive and destroys the planet X, according to opponents of science. It is assumed that Jupiter made Nibiru the same method that the "fireball" intended to do to the Earth-extracted nucleus. As a result, the Death Star broke into a large number of pieces of different sizes. The size of Nibiru suggests that a large number of asteroids are currently flying towards our planet. I break the silence, when the sky will be seen the explosion of Mars, there is the sight of the plot.

According to another version, ufologists are intrigued by a flash of light that could actually be evidence that a UFO is flying in the upper atmosphere. On the night of October 1, a unit of extraterrestrial ships left the Earth or came to observe humanity. In recent days, the social network has often "blown up" the photos of so-called "flying saucers", so that ufologists seriously consider both theories of conspiracy.

«Питер взорвал Нибиру»: ркая вспышка в ночном небе России озадачила уфологов

If Jupiter had actually blew Nibiru before the end of 2018, Mars and Earth would alternately cease to exist. In parallel will begin the process of destruction of the solar system, because no planet will be disturbed by the orbits of other objects intended either for deadly clashes, or in the desert wandering through the space far from the Sun, have concluded the representatives of "pseudoscience".

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