Jurassic fish eating flesh with piranha teeth is the stuff of nightmares


This fossil represents a new fish resembling a piranha from the Jurassic period with sharp, pointed teeth. He probably fed on the fins of other fish.

The fossil skull of young Diplodocus says Andrew, held by Cary Woodruff, director of paleontology at the Great Plains Dinosaur Museum.

Two small bones from Ciemna Cave in Poland are the oldest human remains found in the country. The condition of the bones also suggests that the child has been eaten by a large bird.

The illustration of this artist shows the newly discovered dinosaur species, Ledumahadi mafube, in search of food in the lower Jurassic of South Africa. Heterodontosaurus, another South African dinosaur, can also be seen in the foreground.

A 73,000-year-old red cross pattern was drawn on a silicate flake, which forms when sand and gravel are brought together, and was found in a cave in South Africa.

A series of Middle Neolithic pottery, including typical Danilo dishes, fig and rhyta, which served to contain meat, milk, cheese and yogurt.

These four dinosaurs show the evolution of alvarezsaurs. From left to right, Haplocheirus, Xiyunykus, Bannykus, and Shuvuuia reveal jaw lengthening, tooth reduction, and changes in the hand and arm.

Eorhynchochelys sinensis is an early turtle that lived 228 million years ago. He had a beak without teeth, but no shell.

The bones of the leg of a 7 year old kid, recovered from an ancient Roman cemetery, show a flexion and deformities associated with rickets.

The famous statues of Easter Island, called moai, were originally whole characters partially covered over time. They represent important ancestors of Rapa Nui and were carved after the establishment of a population on the island 900 years ago.

The researchers are located at the Aubrey Hole 7 excavation site, where cremated remains were recovered at Stonehenge for investigation. New research suggests that 40% of the 25 people buried at Stonehenge were not from there – but they probably carried rocks from West Wales and helped build them.

The newly discovered armored dinosaur fossil Akainacephalus johnsoni was discovered in southern Utah.

The foot is a part of a partial skeleton of a 3.22 million year old skeleton of an Australopithecus afarensis child nicknamed Selam.

According to a new study, the impact of asteroids at the origin of dinosaur extinction has also destroyed the world's forests. This illustration shows one of the few terrestrial birds that survived the toxic environment and massive extinction.

The remains of a cutthroat rhinoceros help the researchers to date the arrival of the first humans in the Philippines. They discovered a 75% complete skeleton of a rhinoceros that had been clearly cut up, with 13 of its bones bearing cut marks and areas where bone had been struck to release the marrow, on the archeological site of Kalinga on the island of Luzon.

It is just one of 26 people discovered on the site of the fifth century massacre on the Swedish island of Öland. This teenager was found lying on his side, suggesting a slower death. Other skeletons found in homes and ring streets at Sandby Borg show signs of sudden death by blows to the head.

The skeleton of a young woman and her fetus were found in a brick casket dated from medieval Italy. His skull shows an example of neurosurgery and his child was extruded after his death into a rare "coffin birth".

This part of a whale skull was found at the construction site of Calaveras Dam in California, with at least 19 other people. Some pieces are 3 feet long.

A stone age cow skull shows a trepanation, a hole in the skull created by humans in the form of surgery or experimentation.

On the left, a fossilized skull of our Homin ancestor, Homo heidelbergensis, who lived 200,000 to 600,000 years ago. On the right, a modern human skull. Hominins had sharp brow ridges, but modern humans developed mobile eyebrows as their faces became smaller.

On the left, a 13,000-year-old footprint found in the sediments of Calvert Island, off the Canadian Pacific coast. On the right, a digitally enhanced image, showing the details of the imprint.

A team of researchers studied a central platform at Star Carr, in North Yorkshire, England, to delve into past events related to climate change at the site of the Middle Stone Age. The Star Carr site is home to the oldest evidence of carpentry in Europe and structures built in Britain.

Researchers have been studying Archeopteryx fossils for 150 years, but new X-ray data reveal that the bird-like dinosaur may have been an "active pilot."

This wall with paintings is in the cave La Pasiega in Spain. The scale of horizontal and vertical red lines is over 64,000 years old and was made by Neanderthals.

These perforated shells were found in the sea cave of Cueva de los Aviones, Spain, between 115,000 and 120,000 years ago. Researchers believe that these served as a body ornament to Neanderthals.

The oldest human fossil ever discovered outside of Africa has been found in Israel. This suggests that modern humans have left Africa at least 50,000 years earlier than expected. The upper jaw, with several teeth, was found in a prehistoric cave site.

It is a structure unearthed at the north end of the Grand Plaza of Teposcolula-Yucundaa in Oaxaca, Mexico. The researchers investigated a "plague" cemetery associated with a devastating epidemic of 1545-1550. A new analysis suggests that salmonella caused an epidemic of typhoid fever.

Paranthropus boisei, a precocious human ancestor, had a small brain and a broad, flat face. He is best known for his large teeth and large chewing muscles.

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