Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Snap Selfies with fans during the "Healthy" New York Date (Exclusive)


Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin enjoy all kinds of dates in New York City

Eyewitness told ET that the pair had a good day Sunday at lunch time at Hu Kitchen, a restaurant Paleo inspiration at Union Square.

"The two of them sat upstairs on the mezzanine to eat, enough away from the rest of the restaurant," says the eyewitness. "They looked very happy."

"Their interactions were flirty," adds the eyewitness. "They were not explicitly holding the hand or the kiss we saw, but they were really affectionate."

Bieber, 24, ordered a freshly squeezed green juice, the witness tells us, while Baldwin, 21, left the establishment with his juice in his hand.

As for their interactions with fans inside the restaurant, the witness said Bieber and Baldwin "were great!" and more than happy to take pictures.

One of those lucky fans was Kendall Rivera, who shared her selfie and her broken friends with lovebirds with ET. She tells us that Bieber and Baldwin were "so nice" and "wanted to have a conversation immediately."

"They asked us how was our Sunday, and then I asked them if they had ever been here," she recalls. "Hailey said that she had and that she likes to take chicken, then we asked if we could take a selfie with them and they were super cool and very low!"

"Then, as they were leaving, they went to our table, we said," I hope you'll have a great time of your day, "she continues." Overall, they were really, really nice! "

Instagram / @ kissmywheatgrass_

Bieber and Baldwin – who, according to one source, "go out nonchalantly" after lighting their idyll in recent weeks – seem to be having fun in the Big Apple. Over the weekend, they were also seen in a Brooklyn garden, apparently not paying attention to the paparazzi who caught them mid-lip.

More information about than in the video below! 19659002] RELATED CONTENT:

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