Justin Bieber, Hailey Baldwin back in New York after the proposal


Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Gilded in their Newly Committed Glow

Three days after the "Sorry" singer came up with the question, the two returned to New York Tuesday after being photographed in the Bahamas earlier in the night.

For the exit, Bieber wore a green T-shirt, black shorts and black socks and yellow sandals, with a black bandana on his head; Baldwin wore a black tank top and a white jacket with denim shorts and black and white sneakers

  Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber

Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber

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<img src = "https://peopledotcom.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/hailey-ring.jpg" alt = "Ring of Hailey Baldwin [19659005] Ring of Hailey Baldwin

The Direct Image

" They wanted to stay in the Bahamas as long as possible, "said a source at PEOPLE." They had the best time. They just like to be engaged. They know when they will leave, there will be a lot of attention on them. "

On Saturday night, Bieber, 24, proposed to Baldwin, 21, at a dinner in the Bahamas, people confirmed the news on Sunday, and the happy couple finally announced their engagement on the media. Socials Monday.

RELATED: From 'Just Friends' to Engaged! A Timeline of the Swirling Relationship of Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin

"So committed to spending my life getting to know each other every part of you loving patiently and kindly, "Bieber wrote in a long Instagram post Monday. [19659002] Shortly after, Baldwin tweeted:" I do not know what I've done in life to deserve such happiness, but I am so thankful to God for giving me an amazing person with whom to share my life! No words could ever express my gratitude. "

The couple's engagement comes just a month after Bieber and Baldwin rekindled their romance, dating back to 2015 before separating in 2016.

RELATED: Selena Gomez" n & # 39; did not think "about ex Justin Bieber in the middle of a surprise pledge to Hailey Baldwin: Source

Fans were skeptical The relations of Bieber and Baldwin, while they reconcile just a few months after the pop star called her, again volatilized with Selena Gomez, 25, but sources say that this relationship is the real deal.

  Hailey Baldwin & Justin Bieber

Baldwin and Justin Bieber

Splash News

"This is not a joke for him. He proposed because "he really feels that Hailey is the love of his life," says the insider. "He had a difficult time last year, but he worked very hard. hard to change and find more meaning in his life. Hailey could not make him happier. "

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