Justin Bieber spotted with new buzz cut after Katy Perry throws epic shade hair


Will the new Justin please stand up? (Picture: Splash News)

Justin Bieber has taken some clippers to his famed hair after Katy Perry threw some wild shade at it.

We’ve all seen what the Love Yourself singer’s locks looked this past year and it’s safe to say he has been going for the not-very-groomed look.

Hey, each to their own! We are body, and hair, positive over here.

The singer unveiled a new buzzcut on Instagram and in case fans of the shaggy mop were in denial of its timely demise, Justin was spotted out and about for the first time with his boo Hailey Baldwin.

Bye, bye hair (Picture: Backgrid)

Wearing a hat – possibly so he gets used to the new sensation of wind on the scalp – Justin was most definitely without hair as the couple headed out after an evening church service on Halloween (31 October).

But maybe unsolicited comments from fans about his ‘dirty’ look prompted the make-over for the young lad.

Their opinions have been noted somewhere in the book of unwarranted cyber opinions, we’re sure.

However, we can’t help but wonder if the words of Katy inspired Justin to drag his little legs and make a change. Or you know what? It may have been a simple coincidence.

Katy Perry left a cheeky comment (Picture: Instagram)

Katy’s comments came after she insisted she did not fall for that ‘Justin Bieber burrito prank.’

Last week a picture of the Sorry singer eating the meal from the middle – yes, cringe with us – went viral.

But days later it was revealed it was a prank and the person committing the food crime was not even the 24-year-old but convincing look-a-like Brad Sousa.

Katy commented under a video of the prankster confirming his genius, with: ‘I knew it wasn’t the hair was too clean.’

Okay, the room just went dark with all that shade.

While scrolling through Instagram on Tuesday, the comment was spotted by almost everyone on the internet and on the same day, Biebs shaved his head clean.

Katy had something to say about JB’s mop (Picture: Rex Features)

The Baby hitmaker is the original floppy hair icon, after sparking a generation of fringed hairstyles for young men who struggled to see where they were going when he arrived on the scene in 2010.

Biebs is effectively the Canadian David Beckham of hair trends, so look out for some creative designs in nearer to his scalp – and you never know maybe ‘newly-wedded’ life will inspire some maturer looks?

The former child star confirmed his marriage to the 21-year-old Hailey earlier this month. 

Although Justin confirmed he and Hailey were engaged after he proposed in July, reports have since claimed that the pair had a legal ceremony at a New York courthouse in September.

More: Justin Bieber

It’s said that the couple will host a proper wedding with family and friends present at a later date.

Who knows, maybe this haircut was in preparation for the proper church ceremony?

MORE: Kim Kardashian goes to Halloween party as Pamela Anderson and nobody realises

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