Justin Bieber Tips Hailey Baldwin Wedding Will Come Before New Music


  Hailey Baldwin Justin Bieber Marriage Before New Music
Hailey Baldwin and Justin Bieber in Brooklyn, New York July 27, 2018. Ghosts / MEGA

Beauty before the beat! From what Justin Bieber revealed this weekend, it looks like his marriage to Hailey Baldwin takes precedence over his new music

] The 24-year-old gave a scoop to reporters as he and his 21-year-old fiancée came out of an SUV in New York on Sunday, July 29.

"Like the new song?" Bieber asked the group, referring to his starring role on DJ Khaled's new track "No Brainer."

"Fire, no?" he added, as seen in a TMZ clip. "The right flames."

Then the reporters asked the singer what is the next step. "And then I'm getting married," said Bieber, pointing to a smiling Baldwin

The couple was engaged on July 7, just a month after reviving their relationship. told Us Weekly that they had "always" a strong connection, despite their ups and downs. "They've been in love for a very long time," said the source. "That's the person Hailey wants to marry. That's the person with whom she always wanted to be. "

And now that they're engaged, the couple began planning their special day." They want something private, and they're not going to get it. intimate, "said a close source of Baldwin Us Weekl in July, adding that the couple will probably tie a knot in Canada." Justin loves Canada and is at home there. This is a special place for him and he would like to get married there.

Meanwhile, Bieber publishes unstable pictures of him and Baldwin and according to fans who met him in Brooklyn on July 13, delusional about his good news. "Justin was so good-humored today," said an observer to Us Weekly that day. "When we met him, he said:" Guys, I'm engaged, I'm engaged, can you believe it, I'm so happy. "

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