Justin Theroux accidentally invented another celebrity divorce sentence


By Dave J Hogan / Getty Images.

Try as he could, Justin Theroux could not escape the celebrity divorce sentence when he finally talked about his separation from Jennifer Aniston. In a recent New York Times Profile, Theroux touched on the subject of the dissolution of their marriage, and said, somewhat heartbreaking: "The good news is that it was probably the most – I choose my words with great care – that's all. was the sweetest separation, in that there was no animosity. In a strange way, somehow, navigating the inevitable perception of this is the exhausting part. "

Despite Theroux's sincere and sincere choice (not to mention the obvious discomfort with this part of the celebrity equation), the "soft separation" looks like a parody of Gwyneth Paltrow "conscious decoupling" very mocked, that she quoted in her own divorce from Chris Martin. Although, to be honest, they never had a chance – you try to be famous and say something normal about your very public separation from the favorite haircut of the United States!

He went on to explain that it was a "small event" because actors live the life of "carny", so breaking has not completely disrupted life, as is the case for non-carny. "But everything can seem to be 10 on the Richter scale if you make the headline big enough and salacious enough," he said, knowing that these words would also resonate in the press (and they did it.

The actor maintains that he and Aniston are still friends, which is much easier to wrap his head around. "It was heartbreaking," he said, "only in the sense that the friendship would not be the same, as much as the day to day. But friendship is changing and changing, you know, this part is something we're both very proud of. "

A couple publicist made an equally conscious statement to the Associated Press when news of the split was released in February. "Normally, we would do it in private, but since the gossip industry can not resist an opportunity to speculate and invent, we wanted to directly convey the truth," the text adds. "All that is printed on us and not directly from us is the fictional story of someone else. Above all, we are determined to maintain the deep respect and love we have for each other. "

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