Justin Theroux breaks the silence on Jennifer Aniston Split


Justin Theroux is voiced for the first time since breaking up with Jennifer Aniston.

In a new interview with The New York Times Published Saturday, the 47-year-old actor broke the silence about their divorce – revealing that the two men separated without any hostility.

"The good news is that it was probably the most – I chose my words with great care – it was a kind of sweetest separation, in that there was no animosity," he explained.

"Once again, none of us have died, neither of them are trying to throw themselves hatchets," he added. "It's more like it's friendly. It's boring, but, you know, we've respected enough to make it as painless as possible. "

That does not mean there was no sadness for Theroux and Aniston, 49 years old.

"It was heartbreaking, only in the sense that the friendship would not be the same, as much as the day to day," Theroux said. "But friendship is changing and changing, you know, this part is something we're both very proud of."

Jennifer Aniston and Jusitn Theroux

Jennifer Aniston and Jusitn Theroux

Kevin Winter / Getty

Theroux and Aniston announced their split in February after more than two years of marriage and nearly seven years together.

"In an effort to reduce any further speculation, we decided to announce our separation," they said in a statement through their representative at the time. "This decision was taken together and with love at the end of last year. We are two best friends who have decided to separate us as a couple, but we look forward to continuing our beloved friendship. "

According to Theroux, the reason is that everything went well because Aniston and he are actors accustomed to detach themselves from projects.

"[It’s] kind of lifestyle, "said Theroux at Time of life in Hollywood. "[A split] It's not this seismic change from an ordinary couple, where everything is, like, you have to tear a baby in half. "

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston

Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston

David Crotty / Patrick McMullan / Getty

One of his biggest post-split challenges has been browsing the media. "How do you fight gossip and rumors? And it's just for crack and steroids now. In a strange way, somehow going on the inevitable perception of this is the exhausting part, "said the actor, who appears in the new series of Netflix. Maniacal with a friend Emma Stone and Jonah Hill.

"These are actually small events that take place," said Theroux. "But everything can seem to be 10 on the Richter scale if you make the headline big enough and pretty salacious."

To keep all this in perspective, Theroux has remembered the good advice he had received from his friend Jason Bateman at the start of his relationship with Aniston.

"[He said,] "There will be this other you born, this other character. And this person is crazy. If you follow this person, or if you pay attention to this person, it will also make you crazy, "said Theroux at Time. "So I learned very early not to participate and not to spend time thinking about it.

As for knowing he's dating someone again, Theroux told the Time with a laugh, "Is this the part where I raise an eyebrow and do not answer the question?"

RELATED VIDEO: What went wrong? In Split, they could not find a ground of agreement with Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux

Aniston also spoke about the challenges of media browsing in August.

"It's pretty crazy," the friends alum said during a great conversation with girlfriend Molly McNearney – Jimmy Kimmel's wife – for In the styleSeptember issue. "The misconceptions are:" Jen can not keep a man "and" Jen refuses to have a baby because she is selfish and engaged in her career. Or that I am sad and heartbroken, "she said.

"First, with all due respect, I'm not sorry," she said. In the style cover story. "And second, they are imprudent assumptions. Nobody knows what's going on behind closed doors. Nobody thinks how sensitive it can be for my partner and me. They do not know what I have experienced medically or emotionally. There is pressure on women to be mothers, and if they are not, they are considered to be damaged property. Maybe my goal on this planet is not to procreate. I may have other things to do?

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