Justin Timberlake 'Best Friends Challenge' Plays With Jessica Biel and Jimmy Fallon: Watch


Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon are not just besties. When they get together, it's a bromance for the ages. And they get together often (as Fallon and Co. reminded us with this best-of-JT clip).

On Thursday night, Timberlake brought along his real love, Jessica Biel, for her latest appearance on The Tonight Show, for a round of "best friends challenge," a simple game where the actress and late show host had to answer the pop singer's random questions. JT was not up for much, and he did not sing. Indeed, he hardly opened his mouth. The "Can not Stop The Feeling" singer is on vocal rest, having missed a bunch of dates due to bruised vocal cords. So in a handy work-around, JT wrote it all down on cards.

Cat no cat, JT, Fallon and Biel all clearly share a deep connection. "What is my safe word," queried JT. They all nailed it. It was "Pineapple," for some strange reason.

Watch below.

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