Juul e-cigarette sales increased over the last year


Yet, as Juul sales have increased, public attention has also increased.

The devices are popular with young people who can hide the sleek devices to parents and teachers. Pods filled with nicotine are available in sweet flavors like creme brulee and mango, which critics say appealing to young people, not to adult smokers Juul says he's trying to convince him to change. The Drug Administration intervenes. To a rare extent, the agency sent a letter to Juul asking him how his products appealed to children. He has also stepped up his undercover efforts to see if retailers are selling illegally to minors.

Juul insists that his products are intended for adult cigarette smokers, not children and people who have never used tobacco. The company is committed to spending $ 30 million over the next three years on research, educating youth and parents, and community engagement efforts. Earlier in June, Juul said that he would stop presenting models on his Instagram, Facebook and Twitter accounts and would start featuring former smokers who have changed.

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