Kaley Cuoco, her husband Karl Cook help Rescue Baby Seal


Kaley Cuoco would not let a vacation hinder helping a pet in need. The Big Bang Theory star intervened when she saw a seal puppy failed.

"So here's what I'm grateful for … in my in-laws, beautiful beach house, Karl and I stumbled upon a baby seal who was visibly lost and suffering," said one of the 8 Simple Rules, age 32, was starting a long Instagram legend a video showing the animal lying on rocks at sunset on Thursday, November 22nd.

The video also showed several volunteers there to help.

"I called the @cimwi___ (fauna and flora line) 24 hours a day to ask if anyone could help," Cuoco said. "They promised me a volunteer, but I was not sure it would happen because it's Thanksgiving!" A few hours later, I noticed a group of volunteers huddled around the seal. They all came to help !!

Along with emoji crying with joy, The wedding ring The star concluded, "My heart is full and I am grateful to those kind people who have abandoned their thanksgiving projects to help an animal in need. It's not better than that ♥ ? ? @bricuoco "

Cuoco then added a breathtaking photo of his alleged members of the family as well as two dogs walking along the beach.

"Happy Thanksgiving, I have so much to thank, it's overwhelming," said this native of California, "My family, my new family, my new husband, fabulous friends, amazing work, all my 4-legged children … this life! "

On June 30, Cuoco made a connection with the 27-year-old rider, but not without the help of their pets.

The couple, dressed to the nines, posed with their four dogs as well as one of their horses on the day of their big day. "I think it's the best family wedding photo ever," said Cuoco on a July photo on Instagram showing the happy couple with the puppies while she was stunned when it came to a white wedding.

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