Kaley Cuoco's husband, Karl Cook, does his hair after a shoulder surgery


  Kaley Cuoco Karl Cook Hair
Kaley Cuoco's husband, Karl Cook, combs his hair after undergoing shoulder surgery Kaley Cuoco / Instagram

Kaley Cuoco and Karl Cook were married for less than a week and they are already relational goals! The star of Big Bang Theory shared videos of the professional equestrian who cared for her – and her hair – after her shoulder surgery [19659005] Celebrity Injuries

"All I ask is it's ponytail knot … No, I want a high-knot bun, please do not mess it up," The 32-year-old actress tells Cook in a video posted on her Instagram story on Thursday, July 5th.

  Kaley Cuoco Karl Cook Hair
Kaley Cuoco's husband, Karl Cook, combs his hair after undergoing shoulder surgery Courtesy of Kaley Cuoco / Instagram

] Cuoco continues to document the hair session. 10 minutes later. "After struggling to turn the ponytail into a bun, he proclaimed that it was" Kill! "

" This is not bad, " 8 Simple Rules Alum Admitted

  Kaley Cuoco Karl Cook Hair
Karl Cook, Husband by Kaley Cuoco Kaley Cuoco / Instagram

After two years of meetings, Cuoco and Cook are getting married on Saturday, June 30 in a stable in California, and she revealed on Thursday that the duo was spending their "honeymoon" at home because of his procedure, but clarified on Friday, July 6 that the surgery was actually pre-planned.

"For everyone, because everyone is kind and worried for me, it's a planned operation I have had it for more than a year, "said Cuoco on his Instagram story." I hurt him more than a year ago, I did not have it. no need for immediate surgery. So, I brilliantly planned five days after our wedding. Good, baby? "

Cook replied," Just great, hun. "

Cuoco continued to share his recovery with fans via Instagram, including another top-knot session with Cook on Friday."

  Kaley Cuoco Karl Cook Hair
Kaley Cuoco's Husband, Karl Cook, combs his hair after undergoing shoulder surgery Courtesy of Kaley Cuoco / Instagram

The SAG candidate also posted Instagram stories with her dogs, asking them to keep her company because she's "really bored."

Cuoco added, "I'm stuck to my ice machine, Karl is nowhere to be found and everything what I want are these Oreos and I can not reach them. "

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