Kansas Trump Rally: Live broadcast of Trump's Make America Great Again (MAGA) Rally from Kansas Expocentre to Topeka today – Live Updates


Updated Oct 6, 2018 5:58 PM EDT

President Trump is in Topeka, Kansas, on Saturday night for a campaign rally, a few hours after Judge Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court. The rally begins at 19:30 ET.

Trump is in Kansas to mobilize for the Republican candidate for governorship, Kris Kobach, Attorney General of the Right. Kobach led the investigation blocked by the administration on the 2016 election swindle.

Hundreds of people had lined up in front of the rally a few hours earlier, even though it was raining.

How to watch the Trump MAGA Rally

  • Or: Kansas Expocentre – Topeka, Kansas
  • Date: Saturday, October 6, 2018
  • Direct: CBSN online, in the player above

The President watched the Senate vote on Kavanaugh as he was traveling on Air Force One to Kansas. He told reporters: "I greatly appreciate these 50 votes, and I think [Kavanaugh is] will become a very bright Supreme Court justice for many years. "

He also said about Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault while they were both teenagers, that he was certain that she had misidentified Kavanaugh as the author. "I'm one hundred percent, I'm 100%, I have no doubt," said Trump.

Kavanaugh and Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting him while they were teenagers, appeared before the Judiciary Committee of the Senate last week. The confirmation vote was delayed by an FBI investigation into the allegations, which ended in less than a week. Kavanaugh was confirmed by a vote of 50-48.

The confirmation of Kavanaugh is even more a triumph for the administration given the obstacles it has overcome to be confirmed. The confirmation process for Kavanaugh was complicated by allegations of sexual misconduct against her from multiple women.

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