President Trump held a rally in Johnson City Monday night where he touted GOP success and worked to gather support for Marsha Blackburn and Bill Lee.
Knoxville News Sentinel

It’s not unusual to celebrate a family’s cancer-free diagnosis with some kind of “carpe-diem” bit of derring-do: perhaps a skydiving or bungee jumping expedition or a tattoo. But the way Kanye West celebrated his father’s recovery was straight out of “Fear Factor.” 

They ate bugs.

The rapper was in Detroit for a series of meetings with the CEOs of Quicken Loans and luxury resale app StockX.

Afterward, West announced his odd lunch plans: “My dad and I are going to eat this plate of bugs to celebrate him beating cancer. No more fear,” the rapper tweeted, with an accompanying picture of the dinner.

West, a part-time designer who has put out multiple fashion collections, also documented his visit to Detroit’s College for Creative Studies, to the delight of students and alumnus on Twitter. “The fact that Kanye called CCS the best art and design school in the world is so sick,” wrote one.

“I’m putting ‘went to ccs with kanye’ on my resume now,” another person posted.

A third user referenced how the rapper missed a weekend release deadline for his latest album, writing “It’s cool that Kanye is at my alma matter, CCS right now. I, too was once there, not finishing big projects.”

West’s appearance in Detroit comes after a busy and controversial weekend, in which he performed on “Saturday Night Live” wearing a Perrier bottle costume and made a lot of folks uncomfortable after the curtain call, calling for the abolishment of the 13th amendment (which outlawed slavery) but not releasing the new album. 

Celebrities react to Kanye:  Chris Evans, Whoopi Goldberg comment on his rant

‘SNL’ star Thompson mocks Kanye ‘circus’:  ‘He voiced his opinion, very loudly’

Bubbling up:  Why was Kanye dressed like a Perrier bottle on ‘SNL?’


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