Kanye West continues to denounce the pressure of social media


His wife is perhaps the queen of viral posts, but Kanye West calls in the end the more toxic side of social media. In a few new articles, multiple-breaker calls on Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg and others to end the pressure and stress of users, comments and subscribers on social platforms like Twitter and Instagram. .

"There are people who commit suicide because they do not get enough likes. Seek validation in simulation, "writes Ye. "Speaking for myself, I personally want to participate in social media with the option of not having to show my subscribers or friends.

There are tons of studies that show that the use of Instagram or Twitter is linked to increased depression and anxiety. In addition, it is a way to evaluate and evaluate people according to their followers and their statistics, for example by audit control, as Kanye says, judging his account.

This follows other publications that Kanye made against Twitter on Thursday. "We should be able to participate in social media without having to show how many followers or magnets we have," he wrote.

While tastes and comments play a huge role on these platforms, it's not unlikely that Zuck and Jack will ignore his comments. The CEO of Twitter has considered changing some features a few hours after criticizing the platform.

"We have thought a lot about the disciple and accounts, and what it entails," he added. "We want to change, what made sense 12 years ago does not make sense today, at least for us, and by making this figure bold and important, it makes people want increase it and not to do it. " We want to encourage the contribution to global conversation and consciousness. "

While he continues to denounce the negative effects of social media, Ye is also finishing a new project with Chance the Rapper, titled Good ass job, And getting ready to release his ninth solo album Yandhi.

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