During the visit of his oval office at the White House, Kanye West told President Donald Trump that his friends had tried to dissuade him from wearing his Make America Great Again hat.

Many people had Strong reactions to Kanye West's comments praising President Donald Trump during their meeting at the White House on Thursday.

And then there is T.I.

The Atlanta rapper, who collaborated with Ye on the 2006 title "Swagga Like Us", was not public with West in an NSFW Instagram post.

"It used to be a pleasure to work with you … now, I'm ashamed to have never been associated with you," he wrote. "I've reached my limits, it's my stop, I officially finished !!!!"

T.I. "I was extremely patient and tried not to draw any premature conclusions about Ye '& his antics," adding that he had mismanaged similar incidents involving his brother. "But now, this (expletive) is on the next level, futuristic Sambo, Bob Sautant, Stephen off Django (Explesting) … Ye !!!!"

Kanye's show:West swears, reference to Superman in the oval office speech of 10 minutes

Reaction: The NRA liked Kanye's oval office monologue. All the others? Not really

Judging by T.I.'s Instagram post, he will not be doing any more antics with his ex-friend Kanye West. (Photo: Mark J. Terrill, AP)

The rapper, whose real name is Clifford Harris Jr., revealed that he had refused West's invitation to join him at the White House and had described the meeting as "desperate act" the most repulsive, shameful and embarrassing "and to auction his soul to win. power I've never seen. "(If he was gone and West had behaved so" shamelessly ", TI would have said that he would have felt" forced to slap you, brother – for the people! " )

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