Kanye West criticizes Drake for fueling rumors of Kim Kardashian's meeting


Kanye West's soul arouses new emotions, revealed the rapper via Instagram on Thursday, September 20th.

Posting a series of four shorts on the social media platform, the Chicago native has dumped a ton of feelings accumulated on a few industry names including Nick Cannon, Drake, and Tyson Beckford.

"I just wanted to address some things that are not in my mind now that I got out of the place," rapper "Bound 2" said before attacking his first victim. Setting the tone for the rest of the speech, West begins by asking Nick Cannon not to talk about his wife. "I understand you're dating my wife but, you know, [if] you get in an interview, do not mention my wife. "

For those who do not know, Kanye refers to the latest Cannon feature on Complex "Daily struggle", when the Wild'n Out The designer chose to amplify the alleged beef between Kanye and Drake on controversial lyrics.

When Drake's "In My Feelings" took over the airways this summer, fans quickly tried to decipher who was Drake's KiKi. Jumping rumors into rumors, the social media rabbit finally landed on Kim Kardashian, apparently nicknamed KiKi. Kim denied the rumors, but Drake did not express his ideas about who the real KiKi is, leaving a lot in the peanut gallery.

Although West and Drake had already crushed the beef around Pusha T, Kanye obviously had a new bone to pick up with 6 God.

"The fact that there are people who think that and that they make rumors that you have harassed my wife and that you say nothing and wear like that, it does not fit well with my mind," continued Kanye. According to the native of Chi-Town, Drake is "too smart" to ignore these claims, while he is the one who feeds them.

"It's like not talking about anyone in my family, nothing could even be mentioned with my wife, period," said Kanye, referring to Scorpio disposable track that would have christened Kylie and Kendall of Kim's sister.

In closing with Tyson Beckford, Kanye simply asks everyone to confront him personally, find a solution, and stop promoting negativity.

READ MORE: Kanye West apologizes to Drake in a series of tweets

Take a look at the mini-rant Kanye below.

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