Kanye West "excited" Kim Kardashian's interest in criminal justice reform


Kim Kardashian West is devoting more and more energy to criminal justice reform – and her husband is proud.

Reality husband Kanye West is "thrilled" by Kardashian West's work on penitentiary reform following his recent visit to the White House, a source close to the 37-year-old.

The source adds that West, 41, hopes Kardashian West will continue his efforts in this area. Previous reports that Kardashian West goes to law school are incorrect.

Last year, Kardashian West shared on Snapchat that his own lawyer felt he had the skills to be a lawyer.

"Ok guys, I'm here with my lawyer, Mike Kump, who does all my lawsuits, everything – and listen to what he just told me," she said.

"You have the perfect instincts, you have good judgment and you know how to present your position in the most articulate way and convince people of your point of view," he told him. "Do you want to join my law firm?"

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Last Wednesday, Kardashian West visited the White House for the second time this year, participating in a listening session led by Jared Kushner on prison reform and the leniency process. His wife, Ivanka Trump, the president's daughter, was also present.

CONNECTION: Ivanka Trump Meets Kim Kardashian West to Discuss Prison Reform

Kim Kardashian (second from left) with Van Jones (far left), Jared Kushner (center) and Ivanka Trump (second from right)

Kim Kardashian (second from left) with Van Jones (far left), Jared Kushner (center) and Ivanka Trump (second from right)

Kim Kardashian / Instagram

RELATED: Kim Kardashian goes to the White House to help another offender

Sharing photos of the session on Twitter, the mother of three wrote: "It started with Mrs. Alice, but looking at her and seeing the faces and learning the stories of the men and women I met in the jails, I knew C is the moment for real systemic change. "

In June 2018, Kardashian West met for the first time with President Trump on behalf of Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old non-violent drug addict who, in 1996, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment. in perpetuity with no possibility of parole. A few days later, the White House announced that Johnson would receive clemency and be released.

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"Ms. Johnson has accepted responsibility for her past behavior and has been a model prisoner for the past two decades," said the White House statement at the time. "Although this administration is still very tough in terms of crime, she believes that those who have paid their debt to society and worked hard to improve their lot in prison deserve a second chance. "

Kim Kardashian and Alice Marie Johnson

Kim Kardashian and Alice Marie Johnson

The magnate of KKW Beauty recently spoke about his efforts on the podcast Wrongful conviction, revealing that she is currently working to help release another non-violent offender. Chris Young, 30, was sentenced to life imprisonment for possession of drugs after receiving three strikes. He has been in prison for almost 10 years, said Kardashian West.

Kim Kardashian and President Donald Trump

Kim Kardashian and President Donald Trump

Donald Trump / Twitter

RELATED: Kim Kardashian teaches Alice Marie Johnson how to register at the first meeting after the pardon of the prison

"Yesterday I had a call with a man who is in jail for a drug case. It's so unfair, "she told podcast host Jason Flom, adding," He was just crazy – there are so many people like him.

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