Kanye West loves Donald Trump and talks about it all the time: source


Trump support from Kanye West is very real, a source told PEOPLE.

"He likes Donald Trump; he is convinced that Trump will change America for the better and think he has already done an incredible job, "said the source about the 41-year-old rapper. "He talks about Trump all the time; he looks at information and finds moments when Trump is treated unfairly, and he talks about it all the time. "

West has been supporting his president for years.

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Recently, the Grammy Award winner – diagnosed with bipolar disorder and recently "drug-free" – used his appearance on Saturday Night Live as a platform to praise the president.

"It's so many times that I'm talking to a white person who says," How can you support Trump? He is racist. "Well, if racism worried me, I would have left America a long time ago," said West, who wore a "Make America Great Again" cap, said in a speech. pronounced at the end of Saturday's show that was not broadcast on TV.

Donald Trump; Kanye West

Donald Trump; Kanye West

Michael Reynolds-Pool / Getty; NBC

"We do not just make our decisions based on racism. I explain to you right away: if someone inspires me and I communicate with them, I do not have to believe in all their policies, "added the rapper.

West's family – including his wife Kim Kardashian West – was in the audience during his speech. A source at the time told PEOPLE that the speech in favor of Trump was "embarrassing" for the tycoon of reality TV, and another insider said that she "did not have it." not supported "in the 2016 election.

Kim Kardashian West and Donald Trump

Kim Kardashian West and Donald Trump

Donald Trump / Twitter

"Kim did not support Trump and his family did not support him," the insider told PEOPLE on Tuesday. "But she knows she has a very rare opportunity to have the president's ear and is passionate about certain things and is willing to meet with him to talk about her beliefs."

Indeed, earlier this year, Trump commuted the sentence against Alice Marie Johnson, which Kardashian West had advocated at a meeting at the White House.

Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West

Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West

Splash News

RELATED: Kim Kardashian is "not afraid" not to agree with Kanye West "behind closed doors," said a source

"She thinks she can meet Trump without being an indefatigable supporter," added the insider. "She has a message for him and will talk to him. This is a very rare opportunity. She is smart enough to use it. "

After the West impromptu SNL A group of celebrities, including Chris Rock and Chris Evans, criticized him for his political tendencies.

Instagram message from Lana Del Rey to Kanye West

Instagram message from Lana Del Rey to Kanye West

Lana Del Rey / Instagram

"To become president of Trump has been a loss for the country, but your support is a loss for culture," said singer Lana Del Rey – who sang at Kimye's 2014 wedding rehearsal dinner at Versailles – in a Instagram post scathing Sunday. "I can only assume that you are referring to his personality on a certain level. Illusions of greatness, extreme problems with narcissism – none of them would be a topic of discussion if we did not talk about the man running our country. "

Del Rey, 33, added, "If you think it's okay to support someone who thinks it's okay to grab a woman by the pussy just because it's is famous, you need an intervention as important as it – something that many narcissists will never get. because there is just not enough help to solve the problem. "

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