Kanye West offers a surprise performance on Twitter from Uganda during a family trip


Live from Uganda, this is Kanye West.

The rapper visited Twitter on Sunday to give an impromptu musical performance of the African country, where he recorded his new album after weeks of controversy over his frank praise of Donald Trump and other political opinions.

Kanye went to Uganda with his wife Kim Kardashian and their eldest daughter North West, 5 years old, after taking a break of more than a week in social media as a result of the backlash. On Saturday, he returned to Twitter with a video of him expressing himself against "mind control". On Sunday, he posted a video of his show in and around three domed tents, which seem to be part of an ephemeral studio. He subtitled the video "Spaceship call earth | 3 Uganda Domes".

Kanye began his impromptu performance sitting on a couch inside one of the tents, while wearing the Ugandan national flag.

"Relax / leave your conscience free," Kanye said in a microphone, quoting a phrase from EPMDIn 1988, the hit "You Gots To Chill".

"No matter what they say / I'll always be me / We're free / We're free," Kanye continued.

Kanye's new album Yahndi was supposed to fall two weeks ago. He said later on TMZ Live that he did not finish the disc. He said that he would travel to Africa to record music and release it in November, adding, "Now, alien Ye is as if, completely back in mode, without drugs, you know, working , breathe the freshest possible air, think, do, be yourself, and when I say myself, it does not mean that I'm Donald Trump, it means that I'm myself and that I'm punk and I can wear whatever I want, because I'm a god. "

In the video, we see Kanye later remove the flag, stay dressed in an orange t-shirt and black shorts, and then get up as a DJ stops the music, prompting the rapper to tell him: "Do not stop the music if I do not say it … stop the music … turn on the music again, OK? Increase it. Turn it on loud."

Kanye then came out and sang the same lyrics before starting new songs, during which he played verses "poopy-di scoop".

"You will have money, you really fall," he said. "You are going slaves of money, you are really going to fall. / You are trying to open another mall / We will open our souls after all / It's just the last call."

"Yeah, let's put this forward / yeah, we'll put that song down / Yeah yeah we come with the mask," he continued. "Yeah, check the spaceships, take off / Yeah yeah, check the spaceships, take off."

He went inside and said, "If you're going too well with me, the hat will come out." Every time you go all the time with me, I have my super power, the hat will come out. You do not want to see the hat, do not trust me. "He then complimented a photographer on his t-shirt.

Kanye, a longtime supporter of the Republican president, wore a red MAGA cap while appearing on SNL two weeks ago, during which he sparked controversy over an impromptu speech on stage, in favor of Trump. He also wore one when he met the US leader at the White House last week. There, the rapper compared his cap to a "Superman's Cloak" and hired and hugged the president. Many people on social media mocked both men, as did SNL on the episode of Saturday.

Kanye had rented a luxury safari lodge for him, his family and his entourage for several days.

Earlier Sunday, he shared videos of him running in the park while he was wearing North on his shoulders and a clip of people preparing his performance on Twitter.

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