Kanye West Releases Declamative Video "Mind Control" Publication Rights – Rolling Stone


Kanye West ended her Saturday social media break with several videos released in Africa, including a nine-minute joke called "Mind Control."

The video, broadcast live on Periscope, featured the rapper 's stream of consciousness, which touched mind control, "positive energy" and social media. The rant also focused on the rapper's desire to be released from his contract with Sony / ATV Music Publishing.

"I went to buy my publications at Sony / ATV and they said," It's $ 8 million. [or] $ 9 million "and when I went to buy it, they said no, I could not buy my edition," he said.

"I have the money to buy [back] my publication, "added West. "And they told me that I could not buy my edition … it's like control."

West also mentioned the late artist Prince, who had a long feud with Warner Bros. in the 1990s, because the label would not publish his albums as often as he would like. Prince had written the word "Slave" on his face when fighting the etiquette.

If Warner / Chappell Music Publishing's CEO, Jon Platt, succeeding Longtime CEO Marty Bandier, succeeds Sony / ATV in 2019, it may be time for West to see a possibility. to buy back his rights.

"Sony ATV m said I could not buy my edition [but] I had the money, "said West at the end of his video. "If big Jon [Platt]Marty [Bandier]… whoever is involved … I need my publications … I have money. I will not say the word "S". I am not Prince, I do not need to write it on my face. "

West also specifically addressed the idea of ​​mind control by explaining that he feels that when people try to tell him what to do, they "touch his brain." He compared this to a woman wanting to control her body and not have unwanted sexual touching. "For a woman, she wants to control her body and choose who she wants to give it to. No one can touch it, take it or tell it what to do with it, it's up to it to decide done with, "he comments." I feel like that with my mind. "

West's latest video is another weird moment in their series this week. The rapper met Thursday with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office Thursday for a now infamous press conference.

The rapper is currently in Africa and would work on his delayed album Yandhi.

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